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Publié le 30-01-2025 à 11:29
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TENDER NOTICE  {Open [National Invitation to tender No 01 [ ONITIM-CML Tl ITB/2025 OF 24/01/2025 for construction and rehabilitation work on Malantouen center, and Magnampa market, in Noun division, west Region 
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the public investment budget the Mayor of Malantouen  Council hereby launches an invitation to tender for construction and rehabilitation work on Malantouen center, and Magnampa market, in Noun division, west Region

''This invitation to tender is launched following the call for expression of interest No 01 of. .. 2410112025 published on, .. 2810112025 i

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

Works comprise especially: (brief description of the works to be executed , 

For lot I : 

TM 00 Series : Installation :

TM I 00 series : Cleaning, earthworks and compacted reprofiling of city arteries in particular : . 

The municipal road crossroad of malantouen-njitebain-carrefour technical high school with

construction of a culvert on the kouole watercourse connecting the shopping center to the technical high school, 

The municipal road machoutbayit(inter R639}-administrative drilling crossroad-malantouen

bilingual hight school(inter RO 609) with construction of a culvert 

The municipal road crossroad of mangoo tree-catholic school-bilingual hihg school,

The municipal road crossroad of agricultural post-bilingual high school,

The municipal road crossroad of Mekiness6um(lnter R0609}- crossroad lain school group Alain georges,

The municipal road crossroad of central mosaue_bus station-carrefour teller weld,

The municipal road crossroad of magnampa- crossroad maboure,

The municipal road crossroad after the malantouen council-after hospital of malantouen,

For lot 2 : construction of a culvert on the Mgboun a Mankoutmbou. watercourse with  embankment contigous to the wor

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost of the operation following preliminary studies is :

• Lot n°1 : 65 000 000 (Sixty five millions) CFA francs, 

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The works are subdivided into two lots

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this invitation to tender is open to all companies under cameroonian law with skills in the field of buildings and public works or is  restricted [specify the list of candidates prequalified or companies selected within the framework of a categorisation]

6.Financement New(Additif)

The works under this invitation to tender shall be financed by annual investment budget of 2025 financial year (s

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The hard copy of the file may be consulted free of charge during working hours in the services of the POIDPO at the technicql service first door P. O.Box :28 Malantouen, pone number: 697 60 50 99as soon as this notice is published. It may equally be consulted online on the COLEPS platform at the following  addresses: and on the ARMP website ( or on any other electronic communication  means indicated by the Project Owner (to be specified)

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The hard copy of the file may be obtained from the technicql service first door P. O.Box :28 Malantouen, pone number: 697 60 50 99 as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non-refundable sum of 

• Lot n°1 : 130 000 (One hundred ahd thirty thousand) francs CFA

• Lot n°2: 26 000 (Twenty six thousand) francs CFA 

fin figures and words in accordance with the regulations in force], payable at

[Place of payment of the TF purchase fees: (the Public Treasury for Public

Administrations and in the GAS- ARMP Special Account for other Project Owners,  unless expressly exempted].

It is equally possible to obtain the electronic version of the Tender File by  downloading it free of charge through the addresses indicated above. However, online submission is subject to the payment of Tender File purchase fee

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Eecn bid shall be drafted in English orFrench 

For submission off line, the offer in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach [he technicql service first door P.O.Box :28 Malantouen, pone number: 697 60 50  99] no later than [2110212025} at {10 AM] and should carry the



10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum time frame provided for by the Project Owner or Delegated Project Owner for the execution of works subject of this invitation to tender is four months each lot, calendar months. This time frame shall run from the date of notification  of the administrative order to commence the services.

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each ·bidder must include in his administrative documents, a hand-endorsed bid  bond, issued by a financial body or institution approved by the Minister in charge of finance to issue bonds for public contracts and whose list appears in document  14 of the Tender File (TF), of an amount of 

Lot n°1 : 1 300 000 (One million three hundred thousand) francs CFA

• Lot n°2 : 260 000 (Two hundred sixty thousand) francs CFA


12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

The administrative documents, the technical offer and the financial offer must be placed in separate envelopes and submitted in a sealed envelope. 

The Project Owner shall not accept:

Bids bearing information on the iclentity of the tenderers; 

Bids submitted after the closing date and time for submission of bids;

Envelopes without indication on the identity of the Invitation to Tender;

Bids non-compliant with the bidding mode;

Failure to comply with the number of copies specified in the RPAO or offer 

in copies only

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids shall be opened in single phase and shall take place on 2110212025 (to  be specified) at 11 AM (time to be specified) by the Project Owner or Delegated  Project Owner Tenders Board in theSIGAMP hall(to be specified)Malantouen, located atMalantouen council(to be specified) 

Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a person of their choice, duly authorised, even in case of a group of companies Under pain of being rejected, the required administrative documents must be submitted in originals or copies certified by the issuing service or the relevant  administrative authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender. They shall be no later than 3 (three)  months old from the original deadline for the submission of tenders or must have been issued after the date of signature of the Tender Notice. 

In case of absence or non-conformity of a document in the administrative file during the opening of bids, after a 48(forty-eight) hours deadline granted by the Board, the file shall be rejected. 

[The opening of bids must take place no later than one hour after the deadline for receipt of tenders set out in the Tender File]

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation criteria are of two types: the eliminatory criteria and essential criteria. 

No criterion can be eliminatory and essential at the same time.

The aim of these criteria is to identify and reject incomplete offers and

substantially not compliant with the conditions laid down in the Tender File, 

especially with regard to the admissibility of administrative documents, the

compliance if the technical offer with the Tender File technical specifications and with the qualification of tenderers. 

Eliminatory criteria

The eliminatory criteria set the minimum conditions to be fulfilled in order to be admitted to evaluation following the essential criteria. They should not be the subject of notation. The failure to comply with these criteria shall lead to the rejection of the bidder's offer. 

The eliminatory criteria include: 

Absence of bid bond at the opening of bids;

Failure to submit, beyond the 48(forty-eight) hours deadline after the 

opening of bids, a document of the administrative file deemed non-

compliant or absent (except the bid bond); 

False declarations, fraudulent schemes or forged documents;

Failure to comply with X essential criteria (X referring to the qualification 

threshold of technical bids)

Absence of the sworn statement for not having abandoned contracts during the last three years;

Failure to comply with bids file format;

Absence of a quantified unit price in the financial offer; 

Absence of prospectus accompanied by manufacture's technical sheet

produced (where applicable) 

Absence of approval or authorisation of manufacturer, if applicable;

Absence of own or hired minimum equipment (to be specified by the 

Project Owner);

Absence of grading(categorisation) certificate if applicable;

Absence of an element in the financial offer (submission, BPU, DQE);

Absence of integrity charter dated and signed

Absence of the dated and signed commitment statement to comply with 

environmental and social clauses

15.Attribution New(Additif)

he Project Owner or the Delegated Project Owner shall award the contract to the bidder whose bid meets the required technical and financial qualification criteria  and whose offer was evaluated as the lowest by including as the case may be, the  rebates proposed  (In case of allotment, specify the maximum number of lots a candidate may be awarded) 

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the initial deadline  set for the submission of bids. 

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional information may be obtained during working hours from [(SIGAMP service), door number, 

MALENTOUEN Le 24-01-2025