Within the framework of the 2025 National Investment Budget, the GAZAWA MAYOR (Contracting Authrority) hereby launches for the Mayor of Gazawa Council an Open National Invitation to tender following emergency procedure, for the construction in two classrooms in some Government Nussery School of Massakal koulek Diamare Division, Far-North Region.
The works, which form the subject of this open national invitation to tender; shall consist in the construction in two classrooms in some Government Nussery School in Massakal Koulek DE GAZAWA, Diamare Division, Far-North Region.
The services of this contract include :
> Preliminary work ;
> Masonry from the foundation and walls;
> Roof and ceiling works ;
> Metal joinery;
> Electrical works;
> Painting ;
> Road and utilities.
The works which form the subject of this invitation to tender are financed by the National Investment Budget of the Ministry of Primary Education for the 2017 financial year, for the amount of twenty million five hundred (20 000 000) francs CFA as follows:
The maximum number of lot awarded is one for each bidder.
Participation ta this invitation to tender is open to Cameroonian enterprises that are in compliance with the fiscal laws and having a good experience in the domain concerned. Each bidder must give true information that will lead to choose the one who will carry out the contract well.
The works which form the subject of this invitation to tender are financed by the National Investment Budget of the Ministry of Primary Education for the 2017 financial year, for the amount of twenty million five hundred (20 000 000) francs CFA as follows:
Upon the publication of this notice, tender documents can be consulted during working days and hours at the general secretary of Gazawa council, telephone number 678.58.4911, Po. Box 949 Maroua,
A complete set of bidding documents must be purchased at the Launching Contracts Support Unit (LCSU) of the, general secretary of Gazawa council, telephone number .676.58.49.11, Po. Box 949 Maroua, by interested bidders as soon as this notice is published upon presentation of a receipt of payment of a non refundable fee of 25.000 (thwenty five thousands) francs CFA at the Public Treasury.
Seven (07) copies of sealed complete bids (one certified copy of originals and six photocopies) draft either in English or French must be submitted at the Launching Contracts Support Unit of general secretary service of Gazawa council, telephone number 678.58.49 1 1, Po. Box 949 Maroua later 19/02/2025 a.m. local time on 10 o’clock with the reference:
N° 08/ONIT/UP/CIPM/C-GAZ/2025 OF l
Following emergency procedure
" To be opened only during the session for the opening of bids
The maximum deadline provided for by the Contracting Authority is three (03) months with effect f notification of the contract.
Each bidder must include in his /her administrative file a provisional guarantee of the tune for the amc of Three hundred and fourthy thousands (400 000) Francs CFA issued by a first-rate bank or Finanancial Institute registered at the Ministry of Finance.
For fear of rejection , the required administrative documents must be produced in original or certitruc copies by the services who issued them bound, dating any less than three months.
Any bid not in conformity with the specifications of this tender file shall be rejected. Notably, the absl of tIre provisional guarantee issued by a first-rate bank or Financial Institute approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non compliance
Each bidder must include in his /her administrative file a provisional guarantee of the tune for the amc of Three hundred and fourthy thousands (400 000) Francs CFA issued by a first-rate bank or Finanancial Institute registered at the Ministry of Finance.
he opening of bids will be in one phase in the presence of bidders or their duly mandated representa who choose to attend on 19/02/2025 at 11 O’clock a.m. local time at the Conference hall of GAZAWA Council headquarters.
1) Tender evaluation criteria
Tenders shall be evaluated in three (3) stages:
• Stage 1: Verification of each tender's compliance of the administrative file.
• Stage 2: Technical evaluation of compliant administrative files
• Stage 3:Verification of the financial offer's of contractors with technical files.
The evaluation criteria are as follows:
XIII-I) Eliminatory criterion
XIII-I.I Administrative documents
a) Incomplete or non-compliant documents,
b) Forged or non-authentic documents
c) False declaration in the administrative file. XIII-1.2 Technical proposal
a) Incomplete or non-compliant documents,
b) False declaration, forged or scanned documents,
c) Non-existence in the technical proposal of the rubric "organization, methodology and planning"
d) The tenderer did not give up a market during three (03) last years and he is not reproduced on the list of the failing companies established by the Minister for the Public Contracts;
e) Failure to meet at least thirty-two (32) out of the fourty-five (45) essential criteria. XIII-1.3 financial offer
a) Incomplete financial offer,
b) Non-compliant documents,
c) Omission of a qualified unit price in the financial offer,
d) Absence of a sub-detailed price,
e) Unrealistic or erroneous sub-detail price.
XIII-2 Essential criteria
The technical proposal shall be evaluated as per the following fourty-five (45) essentials criteria below:
a) Presentation out of three (03) criteria
b) Supervisory staff out of fourteen (14) criteria
c) Site equipment to be mobilized out of four (04) criteria
d) Methodology out of thirteen (13) criteria
e) Contractor's references and pre-financing capacity out of twelve (12) criteria
The Diamaré Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts in Maroua who is the project owner, shall award the contract to the tenderer with the lowest and technically compliant bid deemed to be essentially in keeping with the tender file.
The Divisional Delegate of the Ministry of Publics Contracts (Contracting Authority) shall award the tender to the lowest bidder, whose technical and financial file conform with the tender documents in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of page 30through 34 of the regulations governing the tender showing the technical evaluation of bids.
The bidders remain legally engaged by virtue of their tender for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of their bids.
Complementary technical information related to the tender file can be obtained during working days and hours at the Launching Contracts Support Unit (LCSU) of the Divisional Delegation of the Unit of general secretary service of Gazawa council, telephone number 678.584911, PO. Box 949 Maroua, , as soon as this notice is published.