The Administrative Director of CDENO, (Contracting Authority) hereby launches by an Open National Invitation to tender FOR THE SUPPLY OF LIVESTOCK VACCINES TO CDENO.
1. The services of this contract comprise notably: (supply of livestock vaccines, transportation, handling and reception, where appropriate to be indicated by the Contracting Authority or Project Owner).
6) Diluant NaCI 0.1L;
1. : The provisional amounts after studies for the supply amounts to fifty seven million five hundred thousand (57,500,000) FCFA
The supply shall be in a single lot
1. Participation in this invitation to tender is open to all registered and qualified enterprises of the Republic of Cameroon, with the necessary financial capability, technical and professional expertise in general supplies.
This project shall be financed by CDENO budget for 2025, chap 61:03:00
The tender documents are available for consultation at CDENO, SIGAMP UNIT, Box 399 Bamenda, Tel: 233 36 10 17
The tender can be obtained from CDENO Bamenda, SIGAMP UNIT, Box 399 Bamenda, Tel: 233 36 10 17 / 677451721 upon presentation of a receipt showing payment of a non-refundable sum of One hundred thousand (100,000) FCFA payable into ARMP account no. 100010686097568660001-28 of BICEC Bank
1. Bids in English or French shall be submitted in Seven (7) bound copies i.e. one (1) stamped original and Six (6) copies and should reach CDENO, SIGAMP UNIT on or before the _13/03_/2025 at 11.00 A.M in a single envelope comprising the administrative, technical and financial Documents upon the issue of an acknowledgement receipt. The Envelop shall be addressed as follows:
‘To be opened only during the bid opening session’
The maximum deadline for the job forming the subject of this invitation to tender shall be two (02) months from the date of notification of each service order for supply
1. Each bidder must attach to his/her administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking institution authorized to issue bonds for public contracts, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance amounting to One million one hundred and fifty thousand (1,150,000)FCFA.
This attestation, which must be original, should be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of bids. Failure to produce a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking institution or financial body authorised to issue bonds for public contracts, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance shall result in the bid being rejected. A bid bond not related to the consultation concerned shall be considered absent. No bid bond submitted by a bidder during the bid opening sessions shall be admissible
Administrative documents, the technical offer and the financial offer must be inserted in different separate sealed envelopes and submitted in sealed envelope.
The following shall be inadmissible by the Project Owner,
- Bids revealing the identity of the bidders;
- Bids submitted after the deadline for submission;
- Bids without indications on the identity of the invitation to tender;
- Bids non-compliant with the bidding method;
- Failure to produce the number of copies specified in the Special Regulations or offer only in copies.
Any incomplete tender in accordance with the requirements of the tender file shall be declared
inadmissible. In particular, the absence of a bid bond issued by a first- category body or financial
institution approved by the Minister in charge of finance to issue bonds for public contracts or failure to comply with the model documents in the tender file shall result in the outright rejection of the tender without any other procedure. A bid bond produced but having no connection with the consultation concerned shall be considered as absent. A bid bond submitted by a tenderer during the tender opening session shall be inadmissible.
1. The Bids shall be opened in a single phase in the conference hall of CDENO on the 13/03_/2025 at 12:00 prompt. Only bidders may attend or be represented by a single duly mandated person even in case of group of enterprises.
Under pain of rejection, the documents required in the administrative file must be produced in originals or in copies certified as true by the issuing department or the competent administrative authority, in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulations. They must be valid at the original date limit of bid submission or must have been produced after the date of signature of the tender notice.
In case of the absence or non-conformity of any document in the administrative file at the bids opening session, a period of 48 hours shall be granted to the bidders concerned to produce or replace the document in question.
Failure to comply with the required number of copies as indicated in the Special Regulations shall result in the bid being rejected.
b) Absence of the bid bond;
c) Failure to produce, after the deadline of 48 hours following the opening of bids, a document in the administrative file that is deemed to be non-compliant or missing (except bid bond);
d) False declarations, fraudulent schemes or forged documents;
e) Failure to comply with 75% essential criteria
f) Failure to provide a sworn statement that no service has been abandoned in the last three years;
g) Absence of a quantified unit price in the Financial Bid;
h) Failure to comply with one of the major technical specifications specified in the Technical Description of the supplies of this TF,
The technical documents shall be evaluated following the binary method:
· General Presentation
· Personnel
· References
· Equipment
· After-Sales Service;
· Financial Capacity
Only bids that score above 75% yes criteria on the technical tender shall have their financial tender evaluated
1. The contracting authority shall award the contract to the bidder whose offer is technically qualified and lowest bidder.
The bidders shall remain committed to their bid for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
] Further information can be obtained from the CDENO office, SIGAMP UNIT or the Contracting Authority Box 399 Bamenda, Tel: 233 36 10 17 / 677451721.
To report corrupt practices, facts or acts, please call CONAC on 1517, the Authority in Charge of Public Contracts (MINMAP) (SMS or call) on (+237) 673 20 57 25 and 699 37 07 48, ARMP or the Contracting Authority on 2 33 36 14 40..