Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 13-02-2025 à 23:45
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

As part of the implementation of the Public Investment Budget - Transferred Resources - financial year 2025, the Mayor of the Commune of Bangou, the Contracting Authority, is launching a National Open Call for Tenders for the following works lot1 : rehabilitation network of potable water at bapa and bandenkop, lot2 extension network of potable water at medjieu . Emergency procedure

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The works include

Lot1 :

100 : Travaux préparatoire ;

200 : AEP de Bapa ;

201 : Réhabilitation du réservoir semi-enterré ;

202 : Optimisation de la puissance du module solaire et autonomie en énergie ;

203 : Prestations diverses ;

300 : AEP Bandenkop ;

301 : Renforcement de l’autonomie du module solaire ;

302 : Réseau de distribution ;

303 : Prestations diverses.


Lot2 :

100 : Travaux préparatoire ;

200 : Dispositif de stockage surélevé avec cubitenaire (Hr=08m ; vol = 5 m3) ;

300 : Système d’alimentation et de pompage solaire ;

400 : Réseau de refoulement ;

500 : Réseau de distribution ;

600 : Prestations diverses.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost of the operation following preliminary studies is:

-       lot1 : rehabilitation network of potable water at bapa and bandenkop 13 000 000 fcfa;


-          lot2 extension network of potable water at medjieu 10 000 000 fcfa

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The works are subdivided into two (02) lots as defined below:



5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this invitation to tender is open on equal terms to all Cameroonian companies with proven competence in the field of buildings and public works

6.Financement New(Additif)

The works covered by this invitation to tender are financed by the Public Investments-Transferred Resources Budget for the 2025 financial year

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The physical file may be consulted free of charge at the MO's offices during working hours at the Secretariat General of the Bangou commune, BP :04 Bangou, telephone: 670 14 08 02/ 696 39 92 14 as soon as this notice is published

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The physical version of the tender dossier can be obtained from the General Secretariat of the Bangou commune, BP :04 Bangou, telephone: 670 1408 02/ 696 39 92 14 as soon as this notice is published, against payment of a non-refundable sum of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA francs for the cost of purchasing the tender dossier, payable at the Bangou municipal office

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each tender, drawn up in French or English in seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must reach Bangou Town Hall no later than 04/03/2025 at 11 a.m. sharp, and must bear the words:”OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°07/AONO/C-BGOU/CIPM-AI/2025 OF 03/02/2025 FOR THE FOLLOWING WORKS : LOT1 : RÉHABILTATION NETWORK OF POTABLE WATER AT BAPA AND BANDENKOP, LOT2 EXTENSION NETWORK OF POTABLE WATER AT MEDJIEU IN BANGOU CONCIL IN EMERGENCY PROCEDURE”. Emergency procedure. ‘To be opened only during the counting session’

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum period stipulated by the project owner or the delegated project owner for carrying out the work, which is the subject of this invitation to tender, is tree (03) calendar months for each of the lots. This period runs from the date of notification of the service order to begin work

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder must enclose with his administrative documents a bid bond, paid in hand, issued by a body or financial institution approved by the Minister of Finance to issue bonds in the field of public contracts, the list of which appears in Exhibit 14 of the DAO, the amount of which is as follows 



Coût prévisionnel en FCFA

Caution de soumission



rehabilitation network of potable water at bapa and bandenkop,

131 13 000 000

260 000


lot2 extension network of potable water at medjieu 

10 000 000

200 000

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

The administrative documents, the technical offer and the financial offer must be placed in separate envelopes and submitted in a sealed envelope.

The Project Owner shall not accept:

·         Bids bearing information on the identity of the tenderers;

·         Bids submitted after the closing date and time for submission of bids;

·         Envelopes without indication on the identity of the Invitation to Tender;

·         Bids non-compliant with the bidding mode;

·         Failure to comply with the number of copies specified in the RPAO or offer in copies only;

Any incomplete offer in accordance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmis- sible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a financial body or institution approved by the Minister in charge of Finance to issue bonds for public contracts or the failure to comply with the model documents of the Tender File shall lead automatically to the rejection of the bid without any other pro- cedure. A bid bond submitted but not relating to consultation concerned shall be considered as absent. A bid bond presented by a bidder during the bid opening session shall not be accepted

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids will be opened in one session on 04/03/2025 at 12 noon by the Commune of Bangou's Internal Commission for the Award of Contracts internal tender board in Bangou council in the office of the President of the CIPM in the Commune of Bangou.

Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly authorised person of their choice, even in the case of a group of companies.

On pain of rejection, the documents in the administrative file required must be produced in originals or in copies certified as true by the issuing department or the competent administrative authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Special Rules for Invitations to Tender. They must be less than three (03) months old or have been drawn up after the date of signature of the tender notice.

In the event of the absence or non-conformity of any document in the administrative file when the bids are opened, after a period of 48 hours allowed by the Commission, the bid will be rejected

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Evaluation criteria are of two types: the eliminatory criteria and essential criteria. No criterion can be elimina- tory and essential at the same time.

The aim of these criteria is to identify and reject incomplete offers and substantially not compliant with the con- ditions laid down in the Tender File, especially with regard to the admissibility of administrative documents, the compliance if the technical offer with the Tender File technical specifications and with the qualification of ten- derers.

1.1      Eliminatory criteria

The eliminatory criteria set the minimum conditions to be fulfilled in order to be admitted to evaluation following the essential criteria. They should not be the subject of notation. The failure to comply with these criteria shall lead to the rejection of the bidder’s offer.

The eliminatory criteria include:

                      Absence of bid bond at the opening of bids;

                      Failure to submit, beyond the 48(forty-eight) hours deadline after the opening of bids, a document of the administrative file deemed non-compliant or absent (except the bid bond);

                      False declarations, fraudulent schemes or forged documents;

                      Failure to comply with X essential criteria (X referring to the qualification threshold of technical bids)

                      Absence of the sworn statement for not having abandoned contracts during the last three years;

                      Failure to comply with bids file format;

                      Absence of a quantified unit price in the financial offer;

                      Absence of prospectus accompanied by manufacture’s technical sheet produced (where applicable)

                      Absence of approval or authorisation of manufacturer, if applicable;

                      Absence of own or hired minimum equipment (to be specified by the Project Owner);

                      Absence of grading(categorisation) certificate if applicable;

                      Absence of an element in the financial offer (submission, BPU, DQE);

                      Absence of integrity charter dated and signed

                      Absence of the dated and signed commitment statement to comply with environmental and social clauses.

NB: Depending on the specificity of the service, other relevant criteria may be added when drafting the Tender File

1.2         Essential criteria

The essential criteria for the qualification of bidders shall focus especially on:

§  Presentation of bid;

§  Bidder’s references;

§  After-sales service(availability of spare parts, repair workshop, technical personnel) if applicable;

§  Financial capacity; (Access to a line of credit or other financial resources, turnover, attestation of fi- nancial solvency);

§  Personnel qualification and experience;

§  Logistic means,

§  Methodology.

15.Attribution New(Additif)

The project owner awards the contract to the bidder who has submitted a bid that meets the required technical and financial qualification criteria and whose bid is evaluated as the lowest bid, including any proposed discounts. No tenderer may have more than one lot

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the initial deadline set for the submission of bids

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional information may be obtained during working hours from the technical department of the Bangou commune, BP: 04 Bangou; Tel: 694 32 36 80/ 671 55 46 45

BANGOU Le 03-02-2025