As part of the execution of the Public Investment Budget - Transferred Resources - exercise 2025, the Mayor of the Municipality of Bangou, Project Owner launches a Call for 'National Open Bids For the extension work of the low voltage (LV) electricity network in the municipal city in the commune of Bangou. In emergency procedure.
The works include in particular :
- Preparatory work;
- Three-phase LV line in pre-assembled 3x50 cable;
- Various services (Transport, Handling, Pruning)
- Connections and indoor installations;
- Inking base;
Autonomous solar street lights
The estimated cost of the operation following preliminary studies is: 10 225 000 FCFA
Participation in this Call for Tenders is open on equal terms to all Companies under Cameroonian law with proven skills in the electrical field..
The work covered by this call for tenders is financed by the Public Investment Budget-Transferred Resources for the 2025 financial year
The physical file can be consulted free of charge in the MO services during working hours at the General Secretariat of the commune of Bangou, BP :04 Bangou, telephone: 670 14 08 02/ 696 39 92 14 upon publication of this notice
The physical version of the tender dossier can be obtained from the General Secretariat of the commune of Bangou, BP :04 Bangou, telephone: 670 1408 02/ 696 39 92 14 upon publication of the this notice, against payment of a non-refundable sum of DAO purchase fees of Twenty thousand (20,000) CFA francs , payable to the municipal revenue of Bangou
Each offer written in French or in English in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must reach Bangou town hall no later than 04/03/2025 at 11 a.m. precisely, and must bear the mention “Call File National Open Bids No8 /AONO/C-BGOU/CIPM-IA/2025 OF 03/02/2025 For the works d extension of the low voltage (LV) electricity network to the municipal city in the commune of Bangou . In emergency procedure . “To open only in session of counting”
The maximum period provided by the Project Owner or the Delegated Project Owner for the completion of the work, the subject of this call for tenders, is tree (03) calendar months. This period runs from the date of notification of the service order to begin the services
Each bidder must attach to their administrative documents a bid bond, paid by hand, issued by an organization or financial institution approved by the Minister responsible for finance to issue bonds in the areas of public procurement including the list appears in the document 14 of the DAO the amount of which amounts to: 204 500 FCFA and valid for up to thirty (30) days beyond the initial date of validity of the offers. The absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank or a first-class financial organization authorized by the Ministry of Finance to issue bonds in the context of public procurement will result in the outright rejection of the offer. . A bid bond produced but having no connection with the consultation concerned is considered absent. The bid bond presented by a bidder during the bid opening session is inadmissible
The administrative documents, the technical offer and the financial offer must be placed in different separate envelopes and delivered in a sealed envelope.
The following will be inadmissible by the Project Owner:
· The envelopes bearing the indications on the identity of the bidder ;
· envelopes received after on dates and hours limits of deposit ;
· Entries that do not comply with the submission method.
· folds without indication of the identity of the Call for Tenders;
· Failure to comply with the number of copies indicated in the RPAO or offering only copies;
Any incomplete offer in accordance with the requirements of the Tender Document will be declared inadmissible. In particular the absence of a bid bond issued by an organization or financial institution approved by the Minister in charge of finance to issue bonds in the field of the public markets or the non-compliance of the models of the parts of the File of Invitation of Tenders , will result in pure rejection and simple offer without any recourse. A bid bond produced but having no connection with the consultation concerned is considered absent. The bid security presented by a bidder during the bid opening session is inadmissible.
The opening of the folds is done in time and will take place on 04/03/2025 at 12 a.m. by the Internal Procurement Commission of the Municipality of Bangou in the office room of the president of the CIPM in the Municipality of Bangou.
Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly authorized person of their choice, even in the case of a group of companies.
Under penalty from rejection, the documents of the required administrative file must be produced in originals or in certified copies compliant by the issuing service or the competent administrative authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Special Regulations of the Call for Tenders. They must date from less than three (03) months or have been established after the date of signature of the notice of Invitation for Tenders
In the event of absence or non-compliance of a document from the administrative file during the opening of the bids, after a period of 48 hours granted by the Commission, the offer will be rejected
a. Elimination criteria
These include :
i. of the absence of the guarantee of submission to the opening of the folds;
ii. the non-production beyond the deadline of 48 hours after the opening of the envelopes, of a document from the administrative file deemed non-compliant or absent when the envelopes were opened, (except the guarantee of submission);
iii. false declarations, fraudulent maneuvers or falsified documents ;
iv. non-compliance of 70% of criteria of qualification of offers technical ;
v. the absence of a sworn declaration of non-abandonment of construction sites over the last three years;
vi. the absence of a unit price quantified in the financial Offer;
vii. of the absence of a element of the financial offer (the submission, the BPU, the DQE) ;
viii. of the absence of the charter of integrity dated and signed ;
ix. of the absence of the declaration of commitment to compliance of environmental clauses and social documents dated and signed;
15.2. Essential criteria
The so-called essential criteria are those essential or key to judge the technical-financial capacity of the candidates to perform the services, object of the call for tenders. These must be determined in function of the nature and of the consistency of the services to be carried out.
The criteria essential to the qualification of the bidders will bear to title indicative on :
· General presentation of the offer (yes/no);
· Company references in similar achievements (yes/no);
· Personal (yes/no);
· Site visit signed by the bidder accompanied by a report (yes/no);
· Execution methodology (yes/no);
· Material and logistical means compatible with the work to be carried out (yes/no);
· Financial offer (yes/no);
· Agreement(Yes/no)
The Project Manager awards the contract to the tenderer who has submitted an offer meeting the required technical and financial qualification criteria and whose offer is evaluated as the lowest in including the case applicable the discounts offered.
The bidders remain committed to their offer for a period of ninety (90) days from from the initial deadline set for the submission of offers.
For any denunciation of practices, facts or acts of corruption or acts of bad practices, please call CONAC at number 1517, the Public Procurement Authority (MINMAP) (SMS or call) at numbers : (+237) 673 20 57 25 and 699 37 07 48