The Seniordivisional officer of the of Koung-khi Division, Contracting Authority, launches on behalf of the Departmental Delegate of Public Works of Koung-khi, Project Owner, an Open National Call for Tenders for the completion of the above operation
The call for tenders concerns the surface coating bitumen work of the Bangang Fokam-Bangang Fondji-Tsa'a-Bridge road on the Djouock-Djiwi-Moutcha (Bandjoun) river with Bangang Market ramp Fondji-place Chefferie Toudjouck from PK4+200 to PK5+800 phase IV in the Commune of Demdeng, Department of Koung-khi, Western Region.
This work includes the following operations, the list of which is not exhaustive:
- Facilities;
- Cleaning and earthworks;
- Pavement works;
- Sanitation and drainage
The estimated cost of the operation following preliminary studies is indicated in the table above.
The work is in a single batch defined below:
LOT number
Sections / bridge
Length estimated
Amount of bid security (in FCFA)
Provisional Budget including tax
Deadline (months)
Kind Interview
AE |
CP 2025 |
Asphalting work in surface coating of the road Limit Bangang Fokam-Bangang Fondji-Tsa'a-Bridge on the river Djouock-Djiwi-Moutcha (Bandjoun) with ramp Bangang Market Fondji-place Chefferie Toudjouck from PK4+200 to PK 5+800 Phase IV
1.400 Km |
2 000 000 |
100 000 000 |
100 000 000 |
04 |
Bituminization with surface coating
The works covered by this Call for Tenders are financed by the Budget of the Ministry of Public Works, BIP 2025
The tender file can be consulted during working hours at the Bandjoun Prefecture, Tel: 696 33 02 45
The tender files may be consulted and withdrawn during working hours upon publication of this notice to the Prefecture of Bandjoun upon presentation of the original of a receipt for payment to the Bandjoun finance revenue of a sum non-refundable of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) CFA Francs.
Each offer written in French or English in seven (07) copies including one original and six (06) copies marked as such must reach the Bandjoun Prefecture (Departmental Procurement Commission) no later than 12/03/2025 11 a.m. sharp, time local and must bear the words:
National Open Call for Tenders
For surface coating bitumen works on the Bangang Fokam-Bangang Fondji-Tsa'a-Bridge road on the Djouock-Djiwi-Moutcha (Bandjoun) river with ramp Bangang Market Fondji-place Chefferie Toudjouck from PK4+200 to PK5+ 800 Phase IV, in the District of Djebem, Department of Koung-Khi, Western Region.
The maximum execution time for the work planned by the Project Owner is indicated in the table below. These deadlines run from the date of notification of the service order to begin the work
Each bidder must attach to their administrative documents, a bid bond established according to the model indicated in the Tender Document and in the amount of CFA francs indicated in the table in Point 3, issued by one of the approved financial institutions. by the Minister responsible for Finance.
The provisionalsecurity will be automatically released no later than 30 days after the expiry of the validity of the offers for unsuccessful bidders. In the event that the tenderer is successful in the contract, the provisional security will be released after the final security has been provided.
Under penalty of rejection, the required administrative file documents must be produced in originals or certified true copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Governor, Prefect, Sub-prefect, etc.), in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulations of the Call for Tenders.
They must date from less than three (03) months preceding the original date of submission of offers or have been established after the date of signature of the Invitation to Tender.
NB. . The Contracting Authority or the award committee reserves the right to request, at all stages of the award procedure, from bidders the presentation of original documents produced and failure to present may result in disqualification.
The opening of the folds will be done in one step. The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial offers will take place 12/03/2025 at 11 a.m. sharp by the Departmental Procurement Commission located at the Bandjoun prefecture.
The opening of the folds will be done in one time and in three stages:
- 1st step: Opening of envelope A containing the administrative documents (volume 1);
- 2nd step Opening of envelope B containing the technical offers (volume 2);
- 3rd step Opening of envelope C containing the financial offers (volume 3).
Each bidder can attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly authorized person (even in the case of a group) of their choice.
.1 Elimination criteria
Administrative documents
(a) the absence of the bid bond at the opening of the tenders;
b) Absence of the purchase receipt when the bids were opened
c) Absence or non-conformity of a part according to the list given in Article 9 of the Special Regulations of the open Tenders (RPAO);
(d) Outer envelope bearing the bidder's identification;
e) Any false or misleading statements found in the file.
Technical offer
Technical Offer
a) False declarations;
b) Falsified documents;
c) Incomplete technical file;
d) Non-existence of the “organization, methodology and planning” section;
e) Non-compliance with at least 17 criteria out of the 24 retained.
Financial Offer
a) Absence of a piece from this volume;
b) Absence of a unit price in the financial offer for an item where quantities are defined;
c) Absence of a price sub-detail.
12.2 Essential criteria
• Presentation of offers (01 criteria)
• The company's management staff based on 08 criteria;
• The company's references on 08 criteria;
• Site equipment to be mobilized based on 10 criteria;
• The execution methodology based on 03 criteria;
• Financial offer 03 criteria.
NB. See grading grid in appendix
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer presenting the lowest evaluated offer and meeting the technical and financial capacities (70% of the criteria) required resulting from the so-called essential or eliminatory criteria.
The successful tenderer of the Contract is invited to present himself upon signature of the award decision, and at the latest within seven (07) days following, under penalty of cancellation to the Departmental Procurement Commission of Koung-khi in Bandjoun and the subscription of its Market. If he fails to present himself, the Contract is awarded to the next person in the classification established by the Contracting Authority
Bidders remain committed to their offer for ninety (90) days from the deadline set for submission of offers
Additional information can be obtained during business hours at the Bandjoun Prefecture (Departmental Procurement Commission), Tel: 696 33 02 45.