> Mindful of the Financing Agreement Number 2CM0066(Instalment sale] signed between the Islamic Development Bank and Government of the Republic of Cameroon for the financing of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP], North West Region;
> Mindful of Arrete 018/A/MINMAP of 11 November 2013, creating the Special Tenders' Board for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP].
> Mindful of Decision 00348/D/MINEPIA/SG/DAG of 25 June 2014 appointing Key Staff of the
Livestock and Fisheries Development Project(LIFIDEP]
> Mindful of Arrete N® 464/A/MINMAP of 5 December 2016, completing and modifying certain articles of Arrete N° 018/A/MINMAP of 11 November 2013 creating the Special Tenders' Board for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP].
> Mindful of the General Procurement Notice of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP] of 10 January 2014
> Mindful of Notice of Consultation N° 31/RFQ /LIFIDEP/STB/2019 of 13/3/2019 for the supply materials for training of 400 farmers and grazers to improve pasture land for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project,
> Mindful of letter N® 92 /LIFIDEP-NW/10/1 of 18/4/2019 from the Chairman of the LIFIDEP Special Tenders' Board proposing the award
> Mindful of E-mail of 22/7/2019 of the Islamic Development Bank(IsDB] granting non objection of the award proposal,
Article 1: The contract for the supply of materials for training of 400 farmers and grazers to improve pasture land for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project, result of Consultation NO 31/RFQ /LlFlDEP/STB/2019 of 13/3/2019, has been awarded to HM TRADING SARL, P.O BOX 2056 YAOUNDE, CAMEROON.
Article 2: The total amount of the contract is twenty two million ninety two thousand seven hundred (22 092 700) FCFA exclusive of taxes.
Article 3: The delivery schedule for the supply of the materials is 30(thirty) days from date of notification to start delivery