MINDFUL OF:the Constitution;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2011/412 of 09 December 2011 reorganizing the Presidency ofthe Republic;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 organizing the Government;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2012/074 of 08 March 2012 creating, organizing and functioning of the Tenders Board of Public
Contracts, and modifying and completing by Decree No 2013/271 of05August 2013;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2012/075 of 08 March 2012 modifying and completing certain disposition of Decree No 2001/048 of
23 February 2001 creating, organizing and functioning of the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2012/076 of 08 March 2012 organizing the Ministry of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2012/109 of 14 March 2012 appointing Mr. LELE LAFRIQUE TCHOFFO DEBEN ALDOLPHE, Governor of the North West Region;
MINDFUL OF:Circular N° 001/CAB/PR of 19 June 2012 in relation to the award and control of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL OF:Decree N° 2018/366 of 20th June 2018 to institute the Public Contracts Code;
MINDFUL OF:Circular N° 001/CAB/PR of 19 June 2012 in relation to the award and control of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL OF:Circular N° 001/C/MINFI of 28/12/2018 on instructions relating to the execution of finance laws, the monitoring
and control of the execution of the budget of the state and other public entities, for the 2019 financial year;
MINDFUL OF:The Award proposal by the Regional Tenders' Board
MINDFUL OF:the terms of Open National Invitation to Tender Ns 010/ONIT/GOV/NWRTB/2019 of 12/04/2019 for the rural electrification of Nguikei-Lum-Ntowel villages in Oku Sub Division, Bui Division (Step 2): Lum-Ntowel
Article 1: That, the Jobbing Order to carry out the rural electrification of Nguikei-Lum-Ntowel villages in Oku Sub Division, Bui Division (Step 2): Lum-Ntowel following Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/GOV/NWRTB/2019 of 12/04/2019 is
awarded to the enterpn'se herein mentioned bebw, as follov/s: