Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 30-09-2020 à 12:13
Support : Plateforme :
  AN ADDENDUM With reference to tender file N°: ll/ONIT/JC/JCITB/2020 and N°:12/ONIT/JC/JCITB/2020 for the The Rehabilitation works on the Jakiri-Lip-Mbokam road, Jakiri Sub Division; Bui Division, North West Region length =05km, For the Construction works on the Bridge on the Shunyuy River at PK + 800 Nkar-Mensai Road section, Jakiri Sub Division, Bui Division, North West Region length 12ml respectively.' I hereby write to inform you that considering the insecurity, lockdown of businessesand fmancial institutions, the opening of Tender files (Bids) which was slated for the 16th of September 2020 has been postponed to the 30th of September 2020.'While counting on your usual collaboration and understanding, accept my best regards
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shall be opened in single phase. The opening of the Administrative documents, Technical and Financial offers shall take place on the 16/09/2020 at 11:00 AM local time, by the Jakiri CouncilInternal Tenders Board in the Jakiri Council Hall.
Only bidders may attend or be represented by duly mandated persons of their choice13.

Lire plutot

30th of September 2020.

BAMENDA Le 16-09-2020