As part of the 2017 budget of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO), the Administrative Director launches an invitation for the manifestation of interest for the recruitment of a consultant to carry out studies for the take off of TADU Co-operative Society.
The present tender has as subject the pre-qualification of consulting firms as regards the participation in the national restricted invitation to tender relating to the recruitment of a consultant to carryout studies for the take off of TADU Co-operative Society
Works to be executed under this present invitation for the manifestation of include amongst others
4.Revise and improve in a participatory manner the different enterprises of the cooperative according to the OHADA law. Into two particuiar entities.
5.Transformation and commercialization according to agribusiness enterprise.
6.Five cooperatives specialized in Al which depends technically and financially under the main cooperatives of transformation and commercialization
7.Envisage the transformation of five women groups of the TDCs intofive milk producer
cooperative affiliatedtothemain coopérative of transformation and commercialization of dairy products.
8.Propose strategies for the management of milk collecting points of TDCs soasto maximize milk collection
9.Design a System of statistics in the management of hybrids of the TDCs and the programme for management or exploitation of dairy herds
10.Design a system of statistics and the management of milk and a programme for the transformation and commercialization of milk product.
11.Put up a Project or a business plan for a period of five years for milking (or the enterprise for the transformation and commercialization of milk)
12.Put up a project or a business plan (five years)for breeding of cattle and management of herds of the TDCs together or in line with the programme for the management of natural resources and pasture.
13.Propose concrete solutions to resolve the main problems encountered by TDCs like (lack of source of power, hydraulics and the management of pastures)
14.Propose and culturally adopted method favourable to an active and a best method to involve the population of the Fulani pastoralist in the programme of management of milk production, transformation and AI of the TDCs.
15.Propose and adopted cultural methods favourable to the active involvement and participation of the sedentary agriculture and different programme of the TDCs.
16.Carryout market studies and propose a marketing plan for the services and products of TDCs.
17. Carry out an environmental impact and social studies on dairy production
Consulting firms as regards the participation in the national restricted invitation to tender relating to the recruitment of a consultant to carryout studies for the take off of TADU Co-operative Society
2017 budget of CDENO (budgetary head No.221060)
Bids shall be written in English or French and presented in seven copies (One original and six copies) The tender file packed in one volume and enclosed in an envelope, shall be deposited latest the
12 :00 noon,local time,at Service of Administration and Finance and must bear the following mention
To be opened only during the bid opening session»
The candidates for this Invitation of Manifestation of Interest shall provide the following documents presented in one offer.
The preliminary evaluation shall be based on the following essential criteria
The candidates for this Invitation of Manifestation of Interest shall provide the following documents presented in one offer.
- First part (administrative documents)
The first part will content administrative documents, submitted in originals or in certified true copiesof not more than three (03) months old and valuable for 2017 year and should include:
The organigram of personnels
This one could be presented on the form of a draw commented by a brief note.
The references concerning the similar contracts
The candidate shall present a list of references of similar contracts realised
To be validated, every reference of thesame nature and importance must be justifled by the following elements:
-A certified copy of the contract (first and last page)
-A reception report
- A ccessible telephone number(s) of beneficiary service(s) to enable verification when need arises.
The equipment's needed for the exercise should include:
- IT equipments;
- Vehicles, ets);
-Any other necessary equipment for the realisation of the works studies.
Evaluation criteria
Bidders shall be evaluated onthe basis of the following elements:
Eliminatory criteria
Absence of an original or a properly certified administrative (document not more than three months old)
- None justification of capacity to pre-finance ;
Technical mark less than 75% ;
False declaration or forged documents ;
The preliminary evaluation shall be based on the following essential criteria
NO |
1 |
General presentation of the bids |
5pts |
2 |
Experience of enterprise |
15pts |
3 |
Personnel for the execution of works |
35pts |
4 |
Logistics means |
15pts |
5 |
Organization, Methodology and planning of execution of works |
20pts |
6 |
Financial capacity |
10pts |
100points |
For any complementary information, contact CDENO through Tel. Fax (237) 233 36 26 15 TEL 23336 14 40 or 677 83 12 21
At the end of evaluation, only the candidates who have a technical score of at least or equal 75 points on 100 shall participate to the national restricted invitation tender