Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 17-02-2021 à 08:54
Support : Plateforme :
ADDENDUM N° 03 TO THE FOLLOWING NATIONAL INVITATIONS TO TENDER:• N° Ol/ONIT/MINDDEL/BC/BCITB/2021 OF 20th 0F JANUARY 2021 for the construction of a block of two classrooms in GNS Mbati - Balikumbat village,Balikumbat Sub Division of the North West Region;• N° 03/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/ BCITB / 2021 OF 20^^" JANUARY 2021 for theconstruction of a cultural center in some villages in Balikumbat Sub Division Divided in three Lots;• N° 03/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/ BCITB / 2021 OF 20th of  JANUARY 2021 for theconstruction of twenty-eight (28) closed market sheds at Nyamgin market in Balikumbat village in Ngoketunjia Division in the North West Region;• 04/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/ BCITB / 2021 OF 20th of JANUARY 2021 for the construction of two vaccination crushes and two Offices, one at Wapu in Balikumbat village and the other in Baligansin village, ail in Balikumbat Sub Division, Ngoketunjia Division of the North West Region.
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shall be opened in a single phase. The opening of the administrative documents, the Technical and Financial offers will take place on the 16/02/2021 at 11:00 AM local time, in the Balikumbat Council Hall, by the Balikumbat Council Internal Tenders Board. Only bidders, may attend or be duly represented by a person with a sound knowledge of the submitted file and who is authorised to do so.

Lire plutot

23 February 2021 at 11:00 am

BALIKUMBAT Le 12-02-2021