The Administrative Director of CDENO (Contracting Authority), Contracting Authority launches a restricted national invitation to tender for the recruitment of a consultant to carry out studies for the take-off of Tadu Dairy Unit. This invitation to tender is as a results of the manifestation of interest No.001/CDENO/CITB/2017 of 26/4/2017
Works to be executed under this present restricted national invitation to tender include amongst others
• Detail identification or diagnosis of problems hindering the development of TDCs
• Study and revise the status of TDCs
• Put upor design a technical financial auditing procédure which embodies the différent
sections of the TDCs such as;
• Artifîcial insemination
• Management of milk
• Management of dairy herds
• Pasture improvement and management
• Revise and improve in a participatory manner the different enterprises of the coopérative according to the OHADA law. Into two particular entities.
• Transformation and commercialization according to agribusiness enterprise.
•Five coopératives specialized in Al which depends technically and financially under the main cooperatives of transformation and commercialization
• Envisage the transformation of five women groups of the TDCs into five milk producer coopérative affiliated tothe main cooperative of transformation and commercialization of dairy products.
• Propose strate maximize milk collection
• Design a system of statistics inthe management of hybrids of the TDCs and the programme for management or exploitation of dairy herds
•Designa System of statisticsand the management of milk and a programme for the transformation and commercialization of milk product.
•Put up a Project or a business plan for a period of five years for milking (or the enterprise for the transformation and commercialization of milk)
•Put up a Project or a business plan (fîve years) for breeding of cattle and management of herds of the TDCs together or in line with the programme for the management of natural resources and pasture.
•Propose concrète solutions to resolve them a in problems encountered by TDCs like(lack of source of power, hydraulics and the management of pastures)
•Proposed a culturally adopted method favourable to an active and a best method to involve the population of the Fulani pastoralist in the programme of management of milk production, transformation and AI of theTDCs.
•Propose and adopted cultural methods favourable to the active involvement and participation of the sedentary agriculture and different programme of theTDCs.
•Carryout market studies and propose a marketing plan for the services and products of TDCs.
•Carry out an environmental impact and social studies on dairy production
The estimated cost after preliminary studies is Twenty Million (20,000,000) francs CFA
The services are in one lot as follows.
- The recruitment of a consultant to carry out studies for the take off of Tadu Dairy Unit.
Participation to this restricted invitation to tender is open to ORICAA CAMEROON, P.O BOX 169 BAMENDA, Tel: 677 755 607
Works whichform the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by CDENO Budget for 2017 financial year.
The file may be consulted during working hours at CDENO office in Bamenda as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from CDENO office in Bamenda as soon as this notice is published against payment of the sum of Thirty Four (34.000) CFA Francs payable at the Bamenda Treasury.
Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the original and six(6) copies marked as such, should reach the CDENO office Bamenda not later than 20/062017 at 12:00 should carry the inscription:
N° 005/RNIT/CDENO/ITB/2017 OF30 MAY 2017
''To be opened only during the bid-opening session"
The maximum deadline provided by the Project Owner or Contracting Authority for the execution of the services forming the subject of this invitation to tender is Ninety (90) days.
The bidder must include in his administrative documents, abid bond issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and whose list is found in document No. 12 of the Tender File, of an amount of Four Hundred Thousand (400,000) FCFA and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date
of validity of bids
Under penalty of being rejected, only originals or true copies certifiedby the issuing service or administrative authorities (Senior DivisionalOfficer,Divisional Officers) must imperativelybe produced in accordance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily be not older than Three (3) months preceding the date of submission of bids or may be established after the signature of the tender notice Any bid not in compliance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared in admissible. This refers especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance.
The bids shall be opened in two phases. The opening of the administrative file and the technical bid shall first take place followed by the opening of the financial bids of bidders who obtained the required minimum technical score. . ,
The opening of administrative documents and the technical bids on 20/06/2017 at 01 .pm local time by the CDENO Internal Tenders' Board situated in Bamenda.
Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.
The opening of the financial bids shall take place at the end of the technical analysis and shall only concern bidders who obtained the minimum required score of 75%.
14.1 Evaluation criteria
- Absence of one of the administrative documents:
- False declaration or falsified documents;
- Absence of bid bond or insufficient bid bond;
- Technical score below 75 on 100;
- Incomplete Technical or Financial files.
14.2 Essential criteria
The preliminary evaluation shall be based on the folling essential criteria
N° |
1 |
General presentation of the bids |
2 |
Financial Guarantee |
3 |
Organization, Methodology and planning of execution of works |
4 |
Human and material resources |
5 |
Total |
The Jobbing Order shall be awarded to the realistic best bidder as specified in the Special Regulations of this tender
Bidders will remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary infonnation may be obtained durlng working hours from CDENO office Bamenda.