> Mindful of the Financing Agreement N° 2CM0066(INSTALMENT SALE] signed between the Islamic Development Bankand Government of the Republic of Cameroon for the financing of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project [LIFIDEP], North West Region;
> Mindful of Arrété N° 018/A/MINMAP of 11 November2013, creating theSpecial Tenders' Board for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project [LIFIDEP].
> Mindful of Decision N° 00348/D/MINEPIA/SG/DAG of 25 June 2014 appointing Key Staff of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project[LIFIDEP]
> Mindful of Arrete N° 464/A/MINMAP of 5 December 2016, completing andmodifying certain articles ofArrete N° 018/A/MINMAP of 11 November 2013 creating the Special Tenders' Board
for the Livestockand Fisheries Development Project [LIFIDEP].
> Mindful of the General Procurement Notice of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP] of 10 January 2014.
> Mindful of decree N° 2018/366 of 20/6/2018 instituting the Public Contracts Code
>Mindful of Consultation Notice N° 37/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2019 of 8/10/2019 forthe supply and installation of 60 cages in the Bambalang lake and supply offish tubs in two[2] lots
> Mindful of letter N° 105 /LIFIDEP-NW/ 10 /I of 6/12/2019 from Chairman of the LIFIDEP Special Tenders' board recommending the awards of the two lots
> Mindful of E-mail of March 2020 from Islamic Development Bank [IsDB] granting non objection of the award of contracts forthe supply and installation of 60 cages in the Bambalang lake and supply of fish tubs in two[2] lots.
The contracts for the supply and installation of60 cages in the Bambalang lake and supply of fish tubs, result of Consultation N° 37/RFQ/LIF1DEP/STB/2019 of 8/10/2019, have been awarded as follows:
Lot N° | Description | Successful bidder | Award Amount FCFA exclusive ofVAT |
Execution period |
Lot 1 |
Supply and installation of 60 cages in Bambalang Lake |
Sixty three million nine hundred and ninety two thousand one hundred and eighty (63 992 180} |
Sixty three million nine hundred and ninety two thousand one hundred and eighty (63 992 180} |
Lot 2 | Supply of fish tubs | MAN PLANET P.O BOX 829 BAMENDA |
Six million(6 000 000) | 30 Days |