Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 08-04-2021 à 08:55
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ADDENDUM No. 1: AMENDMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS Dear Sir / Madam, S/N PROJEC T TITTLE INITIAL DATE OF OPENING FINAL DATE OF OPENINC; REMARKS 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N01/ONIT/MINDEVEL/NWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Rehabilitation And Renovation Of The Ako Council Chambers, Ako Sub-Division Donqa Mantunq Division 01/04/2021 11/04/2021                 FOR WIDEST DIFFUSION/ PUBLICATION 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 02/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021OF 11TH MARCH. 2021 For The Construction Of A Block Of Two Classrooms At Government School Mblribua, Ako       Subdivision Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER  N° 003/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Maintenance Of The Border Market Junction - Buku Road, Ako Subdivision D 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 4 OPEN  NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N-04/ONIT/MINDEVEUNWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 11/03/2021 For The Construction Of Water Supply Scheme In Zembeaburu Village, Ako Sub-Division, Donga Mantung Division, North West Region. 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 5 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 005/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 11/03/2021 For The Construction Of An Agric Post At Dumbo Berabe, Ako Subdivision, Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 Due to circumstances beyond our control the tender notice can't reach the appropriate quarters on time. We regret any inconveniences this might cause.  
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

Bids shall be opened by the Ako council internal tenders board in a single phase on the 02/04/2021 at 11am local time in the Ako Council conference hall . Only bidders or their authorized representatives having a perfect knowledge of the file may attend the bid opening session. Any bid which shall not comply with the requirements of the tender file shall be rejected. Bids shall be opened and assessed in a single (01) phase of two stages where:-

a) Stage I shall involve:

i)   Opening and appraisal of validity, authencity and completeness

ii)   Opening of envelopes containing technical documents to appraise and evaluate technical proposals

NB: Any bids which shall not obtain 80% score in the technical evaluation shall simply be eliminated.


b) Stage II Opening of financial offers to appraise proposed amount for the project.


Lire plutot


BAMENDA Le 26-03-2021