Within the framework of investment projects, the Douala III council, hereby “Contracting Authority”, launches an invitation to tender for the supply of didactic equipments for the basic education in the Wouri division, Littoral Region. The estimate cost of the whole project is Thirty millions two hundred and eighty three thousand (30 283 000) francs CFA included taxes.
The quired works of this contract include the purchase and supply of didactic equipments for the basic education in Douala 3 council, Wouri Division, Littoral Region.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to all enterprises of equipment, located in the national territory and submitted to any fiscal regime.
The works described in this invitation to tender are financed by the PIB of the year 2020 line N° Consultation of the UD00335. Imputations :
55 15 197 02 641409 6114 426
55 15 199 08 641409 6114 426
The documents requested for the Cotation shall be obtainted during working hours at the Town-Hall of Douala 3 General Secretariat ( secretariat of the commission in-charge in launching Public Works) CIPM, located at the first floor, BP 7029 Logbaba Douala, Tel: 6 99 79 5755, as soon as the noticed is published.
Tender file:
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Town-Hall of Douala 3 General Secretariat ( secretariat of the commission in-charge in launching Public Works) CIPM, located at the first floor, BP 7029 logbaba Douala, Tel: 6 99 79 57 55, as soon as the noticed is published.
The file may be obtained the Town-Hall of Douala 3 General Secretariat ( secretariat of the commission in-charge in launching Public Works) CIPM, located at the first floor, BP 7029 Logbaba Douala, Tel: 6 99 79 57 55, as soon as the noticed is published.
The withdrawal of the file is done with the presentation of a non-refundable receipt of a sum of Fifty thousand (50,000) francs CFA to pay at the public treasury. The said receipt must identify the payer as representing a consulting firm willing to participate in the tender.
Drafted in English or French and in six examplaries (06) including one (1) original and five (05) copies, labelled as such, tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and against a receipt at the town hall of Douala 3 General Secretary ( secretary in-charge of launching Public Works) CIPM, located at the first floor BP 7029 Logbaba Douala, Tel: 6 99 79 57 55 and must carry the caption. Latest on the 19/05/2021 à 12 AM They shall bear the following:
The maximum period for the execution of the present contract works is One (01) month.
Each bid should include a provisional guarantee valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days, from the date submission of bids, and issued by a banking institution approved by Cameroon’s Ministry of Finance and whose amount is Six hundred five thousand six hundred and sixty (605.660) CFA francs.
Bids will be opened on 19/05/2021 01:00 PM prompt, at the town hall of Douala 3 Secretary General ( secretary in-charge of launching Public Works) CIPM, located at the first floor BP 7029 Logbaba Douala, Tel: 6 99 79 5755, in the presence of bidders or their duly mandated representatives.
These bids will be opened in one stage.
Bids should be costed exclusive of value added taxes and all taxes inclusive and accompanied by the signed model tender if your bid is chosen.
The main relative criteria to the elimination of the offers of the candidates are defined as follow:
- The absence of one administrative document; (within 48h)
- The non-conformity of the technical offer with the specifications of the Tender File Document;
- The presence of fake documents or false declarations of honor of non-failure in the execution of former public contracts;
All technical offers having gotten a mark lower than 75% will be judged bad and excluded of the ordering;
Criteria of qualification
N° |
Essential criteria |
Notation |
1 |
Presentation of the offers |
Yes/No |
2 |
Refrences of the enterprise |
Yes/No |
3 |
Logistic means |
Yes/No |
4 |
Comprehension, organisation and period of die execution |
Yes/No |
5 |
Financial capacity |
Yes/No |
Bidders will remain bound by their bid for a period of ninety (90) days, from the deadline fixed for submission of bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours at the town hall of Douala 3 General secretary ( secretary in-charge of launching Public Works) CIPM, located at the first floor BP 7029 logbaba Douala, Tel: 6 99 79 5755
Award of jobbing order
The project Owner shall award the jobbing Order to the contractor with the lowest bid deemed to be in keeping with the consultation file.