Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 20-06-2017 à 09:58
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Call for expression of interest No. 017/AMI/MINEPAT/SG/PNDP/CNC/SPM of 14 June 2017 relating to the pre-selection of enterprises charged with executing rehabilitation works throughout  the localities of Bourloum-Djalingo-Ouro Gaou and Touloum Kofide, respectively in the Moulvoudaye and Touloum councils through the labour-intensive method (HIMO) in the far-north region within PNDP’S context ( HIMO PNDP phase 2, second wave)
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)

The operation dubbed HIMO (Labour-Intensive Operation) that was initiated by PNDP in February 2015 and launched on 3 November of the same year in Maroua aims : (i) to enhance the  target councils’ local economy through construction and/or rehabilitation of the socio-economic infrastructure from the Regional Development Program (PRODAT) and (ii) to  contribute to the socio-economic integration of unemployed youngsters by creating sustainable employments in the northern part  of Cameroon which is both plagued by the climate and insecurity as a result of terrorist attacks.

2.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the said operation, Cameroon has secured an overall package to the tune of CFAF 3.2 billion (€ 05 million), that corresponds to the spontaneous response of the French Cooperation through C2D’s Funds, following the request addressed to fund donors by the Cameroon Government for the financing of PRODAT. In the same vein, the European Union intends, based on the Emergency Trust Funds (FFU) under the French Development Cooperation (AFD), to finance the said operation to the tune of CFAF 6.5 billion (€ 10 million). The Cameroon Government therefore intends, thanks to the National Community-driven Program (PNDP), to utilize part of the above-mentioned funds for the financing of some projects in compliance with the requirements governing the Labour-intensive approach and PNDP’s modus operandi

In a more practical way, it should be recalled that the Labour-intensive component (HIMO) under PNDP’s context is being implemented in two (02) phases in the Far-North region.  

3.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

Indeed, the implementation of the Labour-intensive approach (HIMO) by PNDP necessarily requires the re-adjustment of its classical modus operandi to the Labour-intensive approach. Such a process which is concretized through modifications both in the form and substance is likely to:

  • Shorten the duration of the projects’ execution process from the identification of micro projects till the contracts procurement phase, without neither hampering the legal requirements nor the quality of engineering works ;
  • Exploit at most PNDP’s advantages without distorting them nor seeking from outside the Program some skills required for the success of the Labour-intensive approach which are not available within PNDP ;
  • Give priority to the recourse to local materials and manpower (skilled and/or unskilled manpower) ;
  • Encourage workers to be paid on a weekly basis and at a net daily fixed amount estimated at CFAF 3,000 (three thousand) and enable them not only to spare one-third of their income, but also to undergo any type of practical training or even to engage in any income-generating initiative , and; 
  • Promote the socio-economic integration of at least 70% of workers.



4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

After the phase of pre-qualification of undertakings, PNDP will be called upon to organize a training workshop dedicated to such Undertakings based on the Labour-intensive approach (HIMO). This training will focus on the rehabilitation/construction of infrastructure thereby laying emphasis on the Labour-intensive (HIMO) techniques. The said workshop will be facilitated by the approved trainers from the International Labour Office (ILO). The presence of sector-based ministries such as MINEPAT, MINTP, MINEE, MINEPIA, MINADER, MINEFOP) as well as that of MINMAP and ARMP (Public Contracts Regulatory Agency) is deemed indispensable.
Under this context and based on the Labour-intensive specificities, especially as concerns works to be carried out by the undertaking, the said training is expected to be organized ahead of the preparation and compilation of their technical and financial offers.
Upon undergoing training on the integration of the Labour-intensive specificities into the implementation of the said projects, consultants are expected to be selected and to carry out feasibility studies in connection with projects in line with the two councils concerned.  

5.Financement New(Additif)

NB: These projects will be financed by the European Union’s Emergency Trust Funds (FFU).

6.Remises des offres New(Additif)

The expressions of interest (one original and six counterparts) clearly stating one or several of the components referred to above and emanating from the same division, must be deposited with PNDP’s National Coordination Unit (NCU) , located at Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite UNDP (PNUD), latest  July 6, 2017 at 03:00 p.m. (local time).

7.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

This Call for Expression of Interest (AMI) has as objectives to :

  • Inform the eligible undertakings to express their interest, thereby carrying out projects in line with one or several of the above-mentioned components emanating from the same division ;
  • Indicate and provide such undertakings with pre-qualification criteria ;
  • Draw up a short-list of undertakings, based on one or several of the components emanating from the target councils of the same division.

Interested undertakings will be expected to express their choice as concerns projects in connection with one or several of the above-mentioned components that emanate from the same division. The Labour-intensive (HIMO) process therefore requires a significant administrative work and even the strengthening of the secretariat unit within undertakings. Such an aspect must be taken into account by service providers. It is to that end that PNDP’s National Coordinator calls upon eligible candidates to express their interest by executing the works referred to above. This expression will be expected to comprise:

a)      A letter of expression of interest in line with the enclosed pattern, stating :

  • The corporate name and the firm’s address ;
  • The project(s) applied for under this CEI ;
  • A Sworn Statement to abide by the procedure and to execute works till completion along with the same technical team in the event of selection;
  • The required quality (Main Contractor or  Contractors acting as a grouping);

b)     A copy of the trade register;
c)      A list of the technical team to be mobilized, in line with the project to be executed;
d)     A list of the equipment to be mobilized, in line with the project  to be executed ;
e)      An attestation of non-exclusion from public procurement in the course of the last five (05) years (2011-2015), issued by the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP) ;
f)       Evidence of contracts executed :

  • First and last page of each agreement/contract;
  • Acceptance minutes of the services provided or good performance Attestation issued by the Project Owner concerned.

g)     The Statistical and Tax Declaration (DSF) duly attested to by a chartered accountant ;
h)     The duly signed and initialed declaration of integrity, eligibility and of socio-environmental commitment in compliance with the requirements governing the French Development Agency’s public procurement. (Pattern to be withdrawn either from PNDP, the National Coordination Unit in Yaounde, or from the Regional Coordination Unit of the Far-North region in Maroua).

8.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The following criteria will govern the pre-qualification of candidates:
Main criteria :

  • Having successfully executed , in the course of the three (03) last years (2014-2016), at least  two (02) contracts similar to those relating to the chosen project ;
  • Justify a cumulated turn-over of at least CFAF 150, 000, 000 (One hundred and fifty million) in the course of the last two (02) years ;
  • The number and profile of experts to be mobilized by the undertaking, in line with services provided under the required area of competence ;
  • List of the equipment to be mobilized, in line with the project to be executed.

Eliminatory criteria :

  • Having abandoned a work site or having being excluded from the public procurement in the course of the three (03) last years (2014-2016);
  • Be unable to present a technical (works supervisor, etc.) and administrative team (accountant , etc.) under contract;
  • Be unable to present a Sworn Declaration  clearly stating to abide by the procedure in force and to execute works till completion with the same technical team in the event of selection ;
  • Do not sign and initial the integrity and eligibility declaration, as well as the socio-environmental commitment, in compliance with the requirements governing the French Development Agency’s procurement process.

N.B.: The minimum note required for an undertaking to be pre-qualified as a result of an evaluation shall be seventy (70) marks out of one hundred (100).

9.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Interested undertakings may obtain additional information on the purpose of this expression of interest at the following address:

PNDP’s National Coordination Unit, located at Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite former UNDP (PNUD). P.O. Box 660 Yaounde, Cameroon. Phone N0s.: 222 2136 64/222 21 36 65/222 21 36 68, E-mail: Web site: during the following working hours : from 08:00 a.m., to 05:00 p.m. (Local time).

YAOUNDE Le 14-06-2017