Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 22-04-2021
à 08:33
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Subject: Prolongation ofdeadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/02/2021 for supply andinstallation of solar street lamps. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the construction of offices on the 2nd floor of the C2D- LCU building at Mulang Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply of two double cabin pick-ups and a Prado vehicle. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the maintenance ofpot holes on some tarred roads in Bamenda Open National Invitation to Tender N°01 l/ONIT/BCClTB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the reconstruction ofthe elevation of thefence Round the Bamenda CityCouncil premises at Mulang Bamenda. . Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply and installation ofa 200KV standby generator in Bamenda City Coitncil. Within the framework of the execution of the 2021 investment budget of the Bamenda City Council, the City Mayor of Bamenda City Council on behalf of his municipality launched the above mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files as well as those who intend to bid that the deadline for the submission of bids originally scheduled for 22nd April, 2021 has been extended to 29th April, 2021. This extension of deadline is due to some administrative constraints.