As part of the modernization and capacity increase of services of the state, the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and keeper of the Seals decided to upgrade its decentralized departments of Mezam Region Department Northwest Cameroon. In this context, the Regional Delegate of Public Contracts, Contracting Authority, launched on behalf of the Minister of Justice, an open national invitation to tender for the construction of the Bali courthouse in Mezam Department, North Region West Cameroon.
- Thework covered by this tender include:
- The construction of the courthouse in the courtroom - •The construction of a security fence; a sentry and external visitors toilet - •The development of a concrete pavers in parking and natural parks - • Stairs and ramps to different buildings..
The estimated costafter preliminary studies for (Phase I) at sixty million (60 000 000) all taxes inclusive.
This works are grouped in a unique lot.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open on equal conditions to the contractors installed in Cameroon. Participation of Associated undertakings is permitted only if the representative is appointed and the specific power ofeach member of the group of undertakings is clearly defined
The object of this work Tender Notices are funded by the public investment budget of Ministry of Justice
The Tender file can be consulted during working hours at the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West, at the Regional Delegate's private secretariat, door 101 tel: 233361887.
The Tender file in the French and English language may be obtained from the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West, at the Regional Delegate's private secretariat, door 101 tel: 233361887, upon presentation of a non-refundable treasury receipt (payable at the Regional Treasury Bamenda) of seventy one thousand (71,000) FCFA. Such a receipt shall identify the payer as representing the company that wants to participate in the tender. When they go for the acquisition of tender files, bidders shall register and give their full addresses (P.O. Box, Fax, Telex, Telephone numbers).
Each tender drafted in English orFrench in 07 (seven) copies Including 01 original and 06 copies marked as such, These shall be submitted in one sealed pack containing three (3) envelopes; (A: Administrative file, B: Technical file, 0: Financial file), The sealed pack shall bear no information on the enterprise, and should reach the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West Bamenda, atthe Regional Delegate's private secretariat, door 101 tel: 233361887, not later than (See schedule below), and should carry the inscription:
«: To be opened only at the bid opening session. »
The duration for the execution of works is Four (04) months This period starts from the date of notification of the Order of Service to begin work.
Each bidder must attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond in the amount of one million two hundred thousand (1 200 000) fcfa described below, issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance andlisted in Exhibit 12 CAD and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original expiration date of offers
The administrative documents required shall be produced in originals ortrue copies certified by the relevant services, and in accordance with the Special Rules and Regulations ofthe invitation to tender; otherwise the bid shall be rejected. They shall not be older than three (3) months and shall not be produced after the signing ofthe tender file.
Any bid not In conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially, the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shall lead to the rejection of the bid outright without further appeal.
The opening ofthe bids in one phase shall be done on 31/07/17 at 13hrs prompt In the Conference Hall of the Regional Delegation of Publics Contracts for the North West by the competent tender board. Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice, who has full knowledge of the file and mandated in that capacity.
The evaluation will be following the so-called qualifying criteria and following the criteria of the so-called essential point system a. Elimlnatory criteria
N° |
1 |
incomplete administrative file |
2 |
False or falsified documents in the presence of the tender documents |
3 |
Technical Note below 75% |
4 |
Omissionin the financial file of a quantified unit price |
5 |
-Absence or insufficient bid bond; |
6 |
-Deadline of execution more than the prescribed; (four 04) MONTHS |
Any file that will getat least one (01) "No" to any of these criteria will be disqualified and will result in the elimination of the Offer. This elimination can be observed at the opening of bids with reference to the Minutes of bid opening.
b Essential criteria(10 items)
1 |
General references of the company with No justification by PV realization by the company of construction of two buildings R+ 1 and the last five (05) year) |
2 |
Attestation and report of site visit |
3 |
Number and qualification ofsitepersonnel |
4 |
Equipment of the enterprise |
5 |
Organization, methodology, and work schedule |
6 |
Civil Engineering Engineer presence and work ofcivil engineer with over 5 years of experience., non-registered ONIGC |
7 |
Average Turnover in the lastthreeyears (2014,2015,2016) orgreater A200 000 000 CFA francs. ;JUSTIFYING OF HAVING CONSTRUCTED R+1 STRUCTURE" |
8 |
Presence of a financial surface certificate issued by a first class bank, in amount equal to at least CFAF 75% of the project cost |
9 |
Clerk of works and /or project leader is meeting the minimum requirements prescribed In the scoring grid |
(NB: Only tenders thathave obtainedat least 75 points out of 100 on the essential criteria above will be admitted to the financial evaluation.
The Commission will propose the award ofthe contract to the tenderer which has submitted an administrative compliant tender to the tender document, will have submitted responsive technical offer and a financial lowest evaluated bidder.
Bidders will remain committed to their bids for one hundred and twenty (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.
Abidder can ask any Complementary technical information may be obtained every day during working hours from the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West (at the Regional Delegate's private secretariat, door 101 tel: 233361887).