Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 08-09-2016 à 17:33
Support : Plateforme :
Call for Expression of Interest for the Screening of Services Providers of Auditing of Annual Accounts for the Management of the Legal Control of the National Port Authority
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The National Port Authority (APN) hereby launches a call for expressions of interest to the attention of services providers of auditing wishing to participate in the limited consultation for the management of the legal control of the National Port Authority.

2.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this call for expressions of interest is open to Cameroonian law firms specializing in audit and statutory auditors.

3.Remises des offres New(Additif)

The Expression of Interest files, written in French or English in six (06) copies,  that is one (01) original, shall be filed under seal to the Secretariat of the Directorate General of the APN, no later than 15 September 2016 at 15 o'clock local time at :
900, Winston Churchill Avenue
PO Box 11538 Yaounde
Tel: (237) 222 23 73 16 / 222 23 73 17
Fax: (237) 222 23 73 14

4.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

The Expression of Interest file includes the following:
File A : Administrative Documents
The bidder, its subcontractors and / or co-contracting in the case of a consortium must provide individually the supporting following documents:

1. Original documents dated less than three (03) months :
- an information sheet (corporate name, names and functions of managers, address, phone, fax, etc.);
- a non-bankruptcy certificate issued by the competent court;
- a certificate of non fee issued by the competent authorities;
- a bank certificate of residence of the company issued by a first rank bank, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance of the Republic of Cameroon.

 2 Originals or copies certified by the Tax Administration and dated less than three (03) months :
- Patent for the year 2016
- Taxpayer card;
- Certification and company offices location plan;
- Trade Register;
- Banking Identity Statement dated less than three (03) months.

File B : Technical and Financial Informations
The bidder, its subcontractors and / or co-contracting in the case of a consortium must provide individually the supporting following documents:
- Professional references in achieving the envisaged benefits or similar (attach copies of the key references contracts);
- The turnover in the last ten years;
- The curriculum vitae (qualifications, professional experience) of the principal personnel assigned to carry out the proposed services.

File A and B mentioned above, presented in separate envelopes marked as such, should be placed in a sealed outer envelope bearing following:

"To the attention of Mr. Director General of the National Port Authority:
Call for expression of interest for the screening of services providers of auditing of annual accounts for the management of the legal control of the National Port Authority -Confidential-
To be opened only in counting session "

5.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Eliminatory criteria

     1- Lack of Approval to ONECCA and / or CEMAC;
     2- Lack of a required administrative document;
     3-  Required documents not produced in originals or certified true copies;
     4- Falsified documents;
     5-  Technical mark of less than eighty percent (80 marks / 100).

Essential criteria




Organisation of the enterprise



Similar Services performed on the ten(10) last years



Qualification and experience of key personnel of the company, assigned to carry out the proposed services



Opinions expressed on the accounts of the ten(10) last years



Turnover of the company in the ten (10) last years



Présentation of the file


Total Technical Note


YAOUNDE Le 31-08-2016