The General Manager of the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital launches this Call to Tender for the supply and installation of a magnetic resonance imaging machine at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital to augment its technical capacity and improve care.
The work will consist of the procurement and putting into service of a magnetic resonance imaging machine at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital and training of personnel.
Participation to this Call to Tender is strictly limited to the following companies:
- CAMEC CAMEROUN Sarl, P.O. BOX 7351 Yaounde, Phone number: 6 76 52 35 32, 6 76 26 76 09.
- NUMELEC CAMEROUN, P.O. BOX 17 046 Douala, Phone number: 233 43 77 88, Fax : 233 42 39 58.
- NAROGE MEDICAL & SERVICES SARL P.O. BOX 4821 Yaounde Phone number: 222 21 94 13
Supplies which form the subject to this Call to Tender shall be financed by 2017 CTR Budget, account 22 22 01.
Information and documents can be obtained during working hours from the Public Contracts Office of the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, P.O. BOX: 4362 Yaounde; Tel/Fax 222 21 24 31 as soon as bidders are invited.
The tender file can be obtained from the Public Contracts Office of the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital (YGOPH), P.O. BOX: 4362 Yaounde; Tel/Fax 222 21 24 31 as soon as bidders are invited
Each bid drafted in French and/or in English in seven (07) examples including one (01) original and six (06) photocopies labelled as such, must be stamped and sealed, with no indication on the name of their bidder else will be rejected, and should be deposited, against receipt, at the Public Contracts Office of YGOPH, P.O Box: 4362, Tel/Fax 222 21 24 31 no later than Monday the 20th February 2017 at 01 pm, local time and should bear the following instruction:
This tender shall be quantified excluding value added tax (HTVA) and with all taxes (TTC).
The maximum delivery deadline provided for by the project owner is six (06) months from the date of reception of the notice to start work.
For the bid not to be rejected, only originals or copies certified by issuing services or an administrative authority (senior Divisional officer, Divisional officer…), all other requested administrative documents must appear in the original example of the bid, in conformity with the stipulations of the special conditions of the Invitation to tender. The validity period of different administrative documents is three (3) months, from the date of signature.
All the envelopes will be opened at one go.
Opening of the administrative, technical and financial documents will take place on Monday the 20th February 2017 at 2 pm local time in the meeting room of the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital. Only bidders or representatives that know well the file, of their choice, shall be allowed to be present during this opening session.
- Absence or falsified administrative documents;
- Non conformity of the equipment as the main technical requirement (see scale of classification)
- Wrong declaration or falsified document;
- Non satisfaction of 70% of main criteria;
- Lack of technical handbill of the manufacturer
- Lack of authorisation of the manufacturer with less than 03 months of validity
- Knowledge by training or by experience of any magnetic resonance imaging machine from the same manufacturer.
- Supplier’s references;
- Experience of supervisory staff;
- Execution time and planning;
- After-sale service;
- General presentation of the bid.
- Availability of spare parts;
- Availability of the technician for the maintenance
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is judged to be essentially in conformity with the prescription of the tender file, technically qualified and evaluated to have a lowest cost.
Bidders remain committed to their bids for one hundred and twenty (120) days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary information can be obtained during working hours from the Public Contracts Office of the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, P.O. BOX: 4362 Yaounde; Tel/Fax: 222 21 24 31.