Within the frameworm of the deveropment of infrastructures in border or disaster hit Councils, the Specal Council Support Fund for Mutuel Assistance (FEICOM) in Yaounde, on the instruction of the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, hereby launches an Open National Invitation to tender for the construction of a water supply network in the town of WAZA, Logone and Chari Division, Far-North Region.
Therefore, in order to compile a restricted list of Engineering and Design Consultancies and/or Groupings of Engineering and Design Consultancies to participate in the Restricted National Invitation to tender relating to the Supervision of the the said works is hereby launched for Engineering and Design Consultancies and/or Groupings of Engineering and Design Constitancies desiring to provide the services.
This Solicitation Notice for the Expression of lnterest has for purpose the pre-selecting of Engineering and Design Consultancies and/or Groupings of Engineering and Design Constitancies for the technical supervision of the construction works of a water supply network in WAZA town.
The services to realize shah concern the technical supervision of the construction works of a water supply network comprising boreholes equipped with electrical pumps, a water tank of 100m3, a distribution network comprising 30 standpipes, as described in the Special Technical Specifications (CCTP) contained in the Tender Document. Particularly:
This Solicitation Notice for the Expression of Interest is intended for Firms or Engineering and Design Consultancies specialized in the field of Rural Engineering and Civil Engineering, regularly registered, regular with fiscal and administrative obligations and showing proof of enough technical, financial and operational capacities in the field concerned.
The Firms or Consultancies interested by this Solicitation Notice for the Expression of Interest should furnish ail the information indicating their qualifications and references in similar services, as well as the appropriate documents attesting their experience in the field
This service shall be funded by the special reserve intended for border or disaster hit Councils, lodged in. FEICOM.
Documents drafted in English and/or French in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies labelled as such shall reach sealed having neither stamp, nor indication on the bidder and should reach the Contracts and Procurement of the Mobilization of Financial Resources, Accounting and Assets Management Department, situated at the Head Office of FEICOM, Mimboman latest on 14 OCT 2016 at 13:00 p.mprompt, local time, or through the post by registered letter with receipt of acknowledgement, against a receipt and should be labelled:
Documents reaching after the date and submission deadlines shall be inadmissible.
Candidates should furnish the following documents, presented in two (02) envelopes, drafted in English or in French:
The first said to be « Envelope A », shall be labelled « Administrative Documents ». It shall be stamped and shah contain the following documents:
a. A letter of interest duly signed and stamped;
b. An attestation of fiscal non-indebtedness, issued by the Divisional Taxpayer's Office in the place of operation of the bidder ;
c. A valid copy of business licence for the 2016 financial year;
d. A valid copy of taxpayer's card;
e. The location plan initialed by the competent services;
f. The attestation of location initialed by the competent services;
g. An attestation of solvency, issued by the Registrer of the Court of First Instance of the domicile of the candidate ;
h. An attestation for submission, issued by National Social Insurance Fund, certifying the payment of social contributions ;
i. An attestation of banking domiciliation, issued by an authorized bank by the Ministry of Finance;
j. An attestation of non-exclusion from Public Contracts, issued by the Public Contracts Regulatory Board;
k. A grouping agreement if the need arises.
In the case of a grouping, each member of the grouping should present a complete administrative document, in the exception of documents a) and i) presented by the legal representative of the grouping.
All the administrative listed above should, under the pain of rejection, be produced in original versions or certified true copies dating net more three (03) months, Documents with fiscal impact should be legalized by the issueing tax services.
Any incomplete or non compliant administrative document shah lead to the rejection of the candidacy of the bidder.
The second envelope, said to be « Envelope B », shall be labelled « Technical Bids», lt shall be stamped and shah contain, especially documents relating to skills, general references of bidders.
Documents contained in this envelope shah be in the following order:
a. A form on the presentation of the candidate ;
b. References of the candidate in similar services realized previously;
c. The list of the key officiais and the support staff, with their CVs dated and signed, as well as certified true copies of their highest certificates.
d. A statement on the understanding of the mission, purpose of this Solicitation Notice for Expression of Interest, with the timing chart for the execution of works.
e. The list of the technical, logistics or material means, with proof of their ownership.
The technical document shall be evaluated on 100 points, on the basis of the following criteria:
- General presentation of the bid........................... 05 points ;
- References proving execution of similar services..................... 20 points ;
-Understanding of the mission and presentation of methodology, timing chart and the organization of work
.................................................................................. 20 points
- Logistical and material means............................. 20 points ;
- Qualification and experience of staff................ 35 points.
Only candidates having scored a total of at least equal to seventy (70) points on one hunderd (100), shall be shortlisted to participate in the National Restricted Invitation to tender.
Further information may be obtained during working hours in the Service in charge of Contracts of FEICOM upon the publication of this Notice,
The Engineering or Design Consultancies (BET) and/or Grouping of BET shortlisted at the end of this evaluation shail be called to submit to the National Restricted Invitation to tender in accordance with article 12, paragraph 6 of decree No.2004/275 of 24 September 2004 on the Code of Public Contracts in Cameroon.