The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for MOMO, the Contracting Authority, on behalf of the Republic of Cameroon, hereby launches an open invitation to tender, emergency procedure for the rehabilitation of G.N.S Baraka, MOMO Division.
The works include the following:
Lot 200: TOITURES ;
25 000 000 Fcfa |
500 000 Fcfa |
25 000 Fcfa |
Participation is open under the same conditions to all Cameroonian companies and business concerned that have proven experience in the field of building construction and civil engineering in general.
The works, subject of this invitation to tender, shall be financed by the Public Investments Budget MINEDUB 2017.
The tender file may be consulted at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for MOMO during working hours.
The tender file may be acquired from the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for MOMO upon presentation of a non refundable treasury receipt of 10 000 (ten thousand) FCFA. Such a receipt shall identify the payer as representing the company that wants to participate in the tender.
Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including the original and six (06) copies marked as such in accordance with the prescriptions of the tender file should besubmitted against a receipt at the Divisional delegation of Public Contracts MOMO not later than 26/09/2017 at 10 a.m local time and should carry the inscription:
"Open National Invitation to Tender, Emergency Procedure
N° 22/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/2017 of 05/09/2017
For the rehabilitation of GNS Baraka, MOMO Division.
"To be opened only during the bid opening session"
The offers or the bids submitted after the stipulated deadline shall not be received.
Submission of bids timeframe
Bidders have twenty (20) days for the submission of their bids with effect of the publication of the tender notice.
The maximum execution deadline shall be two (02) calender months, including the rainy season and other vagaries, with effect from the date of notification of the administrative order of work commencement.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring in the annex ofthe tender file of the sum of 120 000 ( one hundred and twenty thousands) FCFA.
The provisional deposit shall be automatically released not later than 30 (thirty) days following the expiry ofthe validity ofthe bids for bidders who shall not be retained. In the case where the bidder is awarded the contract, the provisional deposit shall bereleased after the constitution of the final bond.
The bids not respecting the separation mode of the financial bid from the administrative and technical bids shall be rejected.
Any bid not in conformity with the prescription of this tender notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond of a first rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and valid for a periodof thirty (30) days shall be rejected.
Least they are rejected, only the originals or certified true copies by the issuing service or administrative authorities of the administrative documents are accepted. They must obligatorily not be older than three (03) months and must be valid during the bid opening session.
The opening of the bids in one phase shall be done on 26/09/2017 at 11 a.m in the Conference Hall of the DDMINEPAT MOMO by the competent tender board.
Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice, who has full knowledge of the file and mandated in that capacity.
14. Evaluation of the bids
The evaluation of the bids shall be done in three (03) steps:
> 1st step: Verification of the conformity of the administrative file;
> 2nd step: Evaluation of the technical file;
> 3rd step: Analysis of the financial file.
The criteria of evaluation are the following
14.1-EIiminatory criteria
14.1.1- Administrative documents
• Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of this tender file shall be declared
inadmissible. Especially the lack of the provisional guarantee;
• False declaration or falsified documents.
14.1.2- Technical file
• Incomplete or non compliant documents;
• False declaration forged or scanned documents;
• Non existence in the technical file of the rubric "organization, methodologyand planning;
• Absence of the prefinancing capacity of at least one million four hundred and sixty seven
thousand, seven hundred and fifty (1 467 750) F CFA,
• Technical assessment mark lower than 80% of "Yes".
14.1.3- Financial offer
• Incomplete financial offer;
• Non compliant documents;
• Omission of quantified unit price in the financial offer;
• Absence ofbreak down price.
• Modification ofthe model break down unit price
Essential criteria:
The technical offer of the bidder shall be assessed along the following lines
1. |
Technical staff |
Yes/No |
2. |
Execution methodology |
Yes/No |
3. |
Equipment |
Yes/No |
4. |
Prefinancing capacity |
Yes/No |
5. |
References of the bidder |
Yes/No |
6. |
Attestation of site visit |
Yes/No |
The jobbing order shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conformity to the dispositions of the tender fde and on the basis of the lowest bid and technical quality. (See article 33 of the public contracts code).
The bidders shall remain committed to their bids during a period of (ninety) 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained every day during working hours from the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts MOMO.