The Regional Delegate of Public Contracts for the South West, the Contracting Authority, hereby launches on behalf of the Director of NASPW(Project owner) an Open National Invitation to Tender NO. 031/ONIT/PR/MINMAP/SWRD/SWRTB/2017 OF 08/09/2017 FOR THE SUPPLY OF TOPOGRAPHY MATERIAL AT THE NATIONAL ADVANCED SCHOOL OF PUBLIC WORKS ANNEX OF BUEA.
The cost of the project after preliminary studies is fixed at 25.000.000 FCFA
The tender is open to duly legalized Cameroonian enterprises that fulfill the requirements of this invitation to tender
The works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shah be financed by the Public Investment Budget 2017 (punctual credit from the MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS).
Interestedlieble bidders may obtain further information during working hours as from the date of publication of this tender notice, at the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts, South West Buea ROOM1Tel: 233323245/ 233323239.
The complete tender file may be obtained from the ROOM 1 of the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts, South West Buea upon presentation of a treasury receipt attesting to the payment of a nonrefundable sum of forty thousand (40.000) FCFA, at the Buea Treasury.
Each bid drafted in English or French in Seven (07) copies comprising one( 01) original and Six (06) copies marked as such, should reach the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts, South West Buea ROOM mot later than 28/09/2017 AT 9 AM local time in distinct envelops which shall be labeled as follows:
-Envelop A; Administrative documents (Spiral bound with all pages numbered)
-Envelop B; Technical offers (Spiral bound with all pages numbered)
-Envelop C; Financial offers (Spiral bound with all pages numbered)
These three envelops will be put in a fourth which shall be labeled imperatively as
The maximum period provided for the execution of the supply is fixed at Two (02) months.
Each bidder must include in his/her administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and recognized by COBAC (Commission Bançaire pour l'Afrique Centrale) featuring on the list in Document 12 of the tender file of an amount of five hundred thousand (500,000) FCFA with a validity period of ninety (90) days from the date the bids are opened.
Under penalty of rejection, the required administrative documents must be imperatively produced as original documents or photocopies certified as authentic by the issuing authority, in accordance with
the Special Regulations of the Invitation to Tender, within the last three months, otherwise they shall not be accepted.
Any bid not in compliance with the specifications of this tender notice and file shall be declared inadmissible. Notably, the absence of the bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance or its non-compliance with the model documents of the tender file shall lead to outright rejection of the bid without any possibility of appeal.
Each bid drafted in English or French in Seven (07) copies comprising one( 01) original and Six (06) copies marked as such, should reach the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts, South West Buea ROOM mot later than 28/09/2017 AT 9 AM local time in distinct envelops which shall be labeled as follows:
-Envelop A; Administrative documents (Spiral bound with all pages numbered)
-Envelop B; Technical offers (Spiral bound with all pages numbered)
-Envelop C; Financial offers (Spiral bound with all pages numbered)
These three envelops will be put in a fourth which shall be labeled imperatively as
NO. 031/ONIT/PRMINMAP/SWRD/SWRTB/2017 OF 08/09/2017
(By Emergency Procedure)
"To be opened only during the bid opening session"
The bids shah be opened in single (01) phase on the 28/09/2017 At 10AM local time by the South West Regional Tenders Board in the Conference Hall of the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts, South West Buea, in the presence of the bidders or duly authorized representatives having full knowledge
shah be rejected for:
1- Absence of any administrative documents.
2- False declarations or falsified documents.
3- Non conformity (-If the techniral ryFfPf with the technical specifications, 4-Absence of sub detail of prices.
5-Absence of attestation of guarantee and aller sale service;
6-Essential criteria score less than 75%
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicatively be the following:
-General presentation of the offer |
Yes/No |
-Turnover for the past three years(at least 40 000 000)FCFA |
Yes/No |
- Prefinancing capacity of at least 15 000 000 FCFA for the project. |
Yes/No |
- References for the past 5 years: At least two (02) project for the supply of similar material with the amount higher or equal to 15.000.000 FCFA |
Yes/No |
- Personnel At least higher electronic/electrical technician (BACC+2) with at least 5 years of |
Yes/No |
experience and at least a higher surveyor technician (BACC+2) with at least 5 years of experience |
- Authorization for sale or representation from the manufacturer for the total station. Yes/No |
- Guarantee period higher or equal to that to the tender File Yes/No |
- -Justification of after sale service (attestation of after sale service and workshop pictures and justification of the past realization of maintenance of total station (at least two maintenances)). Yes/No |
- Prospectus and color pictures for the equipment proposed. |
Yes/No |
The non-respect of 75% of the above criteria shall cause the elimination of the bid.
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder with the lowest financial offer, having qualified administratively and with equipment having the best specifications and proof of reliability
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of 90 (ninety) days with effect from the date of opening of bids.
Further complementary information may be obtained during working hours from the service of procurement and services Contracts of the Regional Detegation of Public Contracts, South West Buea, Tel: 33323245/33323239 .