Within the framework of his current activities, the Manager of Cameroon Baccalaureat Board hereby launches and opened invitation to tender for caretaking and staff security in his institution. This invitation to tender is opened to all firms established in Cameroon with proven expertise in the area.
The participation in this invitation to tender is opened to all firms established in Cameroon with proven expertise in the area.
Obligations that form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the budget of Cameroon Baccalaureat Board – 2017 financial year.
The tender file can be obtained from the Equipment and Financial Affairs Service at Cameroon Baccalaureat Board, during business hours upon presentation of the receipt of payment of a non-refundable amount of fifty thousand CFA francs (50 000 FCFA), paid to the bank account of Special Fund of CAS-ARMP, number 335988 opened at BICEC.
Each offer, written in French or in English in (07) seven copies of which (01) one original and (06) six copies marked as such, should be forwarded to Equipment and Financial Affairs Service at Cameroon Baccalaureat Board latest on the 24 march 2017 at 12 pm local time, bearing the inscription :
“Opened National Invitation to Tender n°002 /D.C/OBC/CIPM/2017
For the Caretaking and Staff Security at Cameroon Baccalaureat Board.
To be opened only during the tender opening session”
The maximum delivery deadline provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be (15) fifteen days
Each bidder must attach to his administrative record, a bid bond of CFA 500 000 (five hundred thousand) CFA francs issued by a bank accredited by the Ministry of Finance of Cameroon. The validity of the bid bond is 120 days.
Any bid not meeting the requirements of this Notice and Tender file will be rejected.
The bids shall be opened in a single phase in the premises of Cameroon Baccalaureat Board on the 24 march 2017 at 01 pm, local time, by the Board’s Contract commission witch may, in bidders or their duly mandated representatives with perfect knowledge of the file. Any offer not produced in 07 copies of which original and not meeting the requirements of the tender will be disqualified.
The evaluation of the technical features of the submission shall be focused on the yes/no binary notation system, based on the following criteria :
8. 1 Technical criteria
Technical criteria for the evaluation of the offers |
Evaluation report |
Yes |
No |
01 |
Turnover higher than or equal to CFA 30 millions for the last (03) three financial years |
02 |
Certificate of financial solvency or other document giving evidence of the capacity of the supplier delivered by a bank accredited by a Ministry of Finances, for an amount equal or superior to CFA 50 000 000 |
03 |
Staff qualification and knowhow : - Training of working staff ; - Staff intellectual retraining, Martial Arts. |
04 |
Relevant Equipment |
05 |
Compliance of the service to the technical specifications of the invitation to tender |
06 |
The staff insurance policy covering staff against damage they may cause to people during working hours |
07 |
Delivery deadline not exceeding (15) fifteen days |
8.2 Disqualificatory criteria
These non dependant criteria are the following :
- Administrative record incomplete or inacurate ;
- Absence of a bid bond ;
- Delivery deadline exceeding (15) fifteen days ;
- Rate of fulfillment of technical criteria inferior to 80%.
The performance shall occur at the premises of Cameroon Baccalaureat Board located at YAOUNDE-MVAN and at the staff’s residences (cf. Art 2 and 3 chap. IV).
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for (90) ninety days from the deadline set for submission of tenders.
The required administrative documents, of which a contract bond, must be, under pain of rejection, produced in originals or true certified copies by the relevant authorities. They must not be older than three (03) months. The target documents must still be valid until the date scheduled for the bid-opening session.
Additional information can be obtained during working hours from the Equipment and Financial Affairs Service of Cameroon Baccalaureat Board, phone number (237) 222 30 55 66 222 30 32 80. Fax : (237) 222 30 55 67, Email : officebaccam@obc.cm