Wrthin the frame work of the execution of the Public Investment Budget, the General Manager of the Upper Nun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA) hereby launches as a matter of emergency an Opened National Invitation to Tender for the supply of bags for PADDY collection in UNVDA Ndop
The services of this contract include the supply of 60 000 bags for paddy collection in UNVDA Ndop.
The supply is in a single lot.
This call is opened to all interested certified Cameroonian based-companies.
The services which form the subject of this tender shall be financed by the internal resources 2017, nomenclature 608101.
Tender file may be consulted during working hours at the Service of Public Contracts of UNVDA, P.O. Box25 Ndop. Email: unvdandop@ymail.com. Tel; (237) 691 79 83 72.
The File may be obtained from the Service of Public Contracts of UNVDA, P.O. Box 25 Ndop. Email: unvdandop@ymail.com. Tel: (237) 691 79 83 72 as soon as this notice is published against payment of non-refundable sum of 55 000 (fifty five thousand) CFA francs, payable at BICEC, account CAS ARMP N° 33598845001-20.
Also, the bidders will have to register, making sure at the same time that their address (postal, telephone, fax, e-mail) are provided in the Service of Public Contracts during working hours.
Tenders should be written in English or French and in seven (07) copies with one (01) original and six (06) photocopies. This file should reach the Service of Public Contracts of UNVDA, on or before the 31/10/2017 at exactly 10.00 am local time and should carry the carry the inscription:
'To be opened only during the bids opening session"
The maximum delivery deadline provided for by the contracting Authority shall be thirty (30) days after notification of the Contract.
Each bidder must include in his administrative document a bid bond issued by a bank approved by the Ministry of finance of an amount of 608 200 (six hundred and eight thousand two hundred) FCFA and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the validity of offers.
Under pain of being rejected, onfy original of true copies certified by the issuing service of the administrative documents required, including the bid bond must imperatively be produced in accordance with the special conditions of the invitation to tender. The must obligatorily not be older than three (03) months or must not be produce after the signing of the tender file.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescription of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a bank approved by the Ministry offinance or the non-respect of models or the tender file documents shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer without any appeal being entertained.
The bids shall beopened in single phase on 31 OCT 2017 at 11 o'clock local time In the Conference Hall of UNVDA Ndop, by the Intemal Tenders Board. Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice with good mastery of the file and procedures.
Evaluation criteria
Eliminatory criteria
Bids shall automatically be rejected for:
- Absence of administrative documents;
- False orfalsified documents;
- Going beyond delivery deadline;
- Less than 80% of "yes" in essential criteria;
- Having done less than six similar supplies within the past three years.
NB: All the parts must be certified by an authority competent and dating less than 03 months.
Essential criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates shall be on the following:
- General presentation of the bids;
- Financial capacity;
- References in similar supplies;
- Special Administrative Clauses completed and initialed in all the pages and signed in the last page;
- Special Technical Clauses initialed in all the pages and signed in the last page;
This evaluation will be done in a purely positive way (yes) or negative (no) with an acceptable minimum of 80% of the essential criteria taken into account.
The contract will be awarded to the bidder whowould have proposed the offer with the lowest amount, in conformity with the regulations of the Tender Documents and having satisfied 100% of the eliminatory criterta and at least 80% of the essential criteria. By including if necessary the reduction suggested
Bidders will remain committed to their tenders for a maximum period of sixty (60) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders
Complementarytechnical information may be obtained during working hours from the Service of Public Contracts of UNVDA, P.O.Box 25 Ndop, Emaii; unvdandop@ymail.com. Tel: (237) 691 79 83 72..