The Mayor of FOKOUE Council, Contracting Authority launches a National Open Call for Tender in the emergencyprocédure for the supply and installation of solar Systems in the Fokoué council.
The services, the subject ofthis Invitation to Tender,are to carry out the following works:
- Supply and installation of40 unidirectional solar street lights
- The supply and installation of a solar hybrid solar system-ENEO-Generator of 2, 5 kWc and 2KWC for each CSl.
The estimated cost of the opération at the end ofthe preiiminary studies is 82 009 791 FCFA for ail.
The worksare subdivided into one lot. Public lighting in solar energy and: Hybrid solar system for feeding the Fokoue CSI hospital
This call for tenders is open to ail companies or groups of companies operating in the field of renewable energy (solarenergy) installed in Cameroon andjustifying the capacity to perform the service.
The services, which are the subject of this call for proposais, are fînanced by the International Association of Francophone Mayors and the budget ofthe Fokoué Council.
Bidding Documents may be consulted during business hours in the procurement department of the council located at the municipal garage of the Council ofFOKOUE as ofthe publication of this notice, Tel + 237 222 64 18 37. 699761043; Email:
The Bidding Documents may be obtained during working hours at the Procurement Service of the Commune of FOKOUEupon publication of this notice, upon présentation of a receipt for payment to the proJect account RIB 100010683896254238001-48 open to the international banck of Cameroon for saving and crédit (BICBC) Dschang Agency , a non-refundable sum of seventy five thousand (75000) CFA francs.
Each Bid, in French or English, in seven (7) copies of which one (01) original and six (6) copies marked as such, must reach the Procurement Department of the FOKOUE Council no later than 26/10/2017 At 10 am, and shall bear the following particulars:
The maximum period foreseen by the Employerfor the exécutionof the works subject to this invitation to tender is six months.
Each tenderer must attach to his administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking institution or an insurance company approved by the Minister of Finance in the amount of CFAF 1640 195 CFAF Thedeposit must be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity ofthe Offers.
Each tenderer must attach to his administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking institution or an insurance company approved by the Minister of Finance in the amount of CFAF 1640 195 CFAF Thedeposit must be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity ofthe Offers.
The other administrative documents required must be produced in original or certified copies by the compétent authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the Supplementary Régulations of the Invitation to Tender. They must be dated less than three (03) months at the time of submission of the Offers or bave been drawn up afler the date of signature ofthe Notice of Invitation to Tender.
The absence or non-observance of the model of bid bond issued by a bank of first order or an insurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Cameroon will be declared inadmissible.
In the event of rejection. the administrative documents required must be produoed in original or certified copies by the issuing departtient or an administrative authority (Prefect, Sub-Prefect ...) in accordance with the provisions ofthe Spécial Régulations ofthe Appeal d'offers.
The opening of administrative documents and technical and fmancial offers will be cairied out in a 13/11/2017 time at 11 am precisely in the Chamber of Proceedings of the Town Hall of FOKOUE by the Internal Commission of Procurement of the Fokoué council in the presence of the bidders Or their duly authorized représentatives with full knowledge of the file.
- false statement orfalsified document;
- omission, in the price schedule, ofaquantified unit price;
-dossier having obtained at the end ofthe technical analysis less than 70% of positive éléments.
- Omission ofthe under-detail ofaquantified price;
-Absence in the technical offer ofa methodological note.
-Administrative record incomplète at the end ofthe opening
-Absence ofadéclaration on the honor ofhaving not abandoned asite during the three preceding financial years
Tenderers' offers will be evaiuated according to the foliowing criteria:
Essential Criteria
A- References; 11 criteria
B- Supervisory staff: 03 criteria
C- Material: 03 criteria
D- Methodology 03 criteria
N.B: To be eligible for financial évaluation, the bidder must meet the so-called élimination criteria and at least 70% ofthe criteria inthe évaluation grid.
The contract will be awarded to the bidder submitting the lowest bid and who has the technical and fmancial capacity to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
N.B; A tenderer may be awarded the two lots.
Bidders shall remain bound by their Bids for aperiod of ninety (90) days from the closing date for the submission ofBids
Additional information may be obtained during the working hours ofthe Procurement Department of tbe Fokoué council. Te!: 69976Î043/ 237 222 64 18 37; Email; from the publication of this notice