Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 30-01-2021 à 19:19
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DECISION N° 08/JAKIRI COUNCIL/JCITB/2020 OF 07-07-2020 Bearing on the Award of jobbing order relating to the Construction of 2 Classrooms at GS Mbokam
Source de financement


Mindful of: the constitution: :
Mindful of: Law N° 2004/017 of 22/07/2004, on the orientation of Decentralisation;
Mindful of Law N° 2004/018 of 22nd  July 2004 to lay down rules applicable to councils

 Mindful of: Decree N°  77-203 Of 29th June 1977 creating Jakiri council (Jakiri Rural council

Mindful of :the Decree NV2001/048 of 23 February 2001 relating to the setting up, organization and function of the Public Contracts regulatory agency Mindful of: the Decree N° 2004/475 of 24th  September 2004 on the public contracts code
Mindful  of: the Decree N° 2011/412 of 9th  December 2011 organizing the government Mindful of: the Decree N° 20111/412 of 9th  December 20111 organizing the Presidency of the republic '
Mindful of; the Decree N° 2012/474 of 8th March 2012 relating to the setting up, organizing
and functioning of the tenders Board;
Mindful of; the circular N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th  June 2012 the award and control of  execution of public contracts;
Mindful of: the Decree N° 2013/27.1- of 5th  August 2013 modifying and completing certain disposition of Decree N° 2012/074 of 8th March 2012 relating to the setting up organizing and  function of tenders boards;
Mindful of: Order N° 000278/A/MINDDEVEL of 06/03/2020 to endorse the election of Mr Wirago Buba Kibo, as Mayor of Jakiri council,

Mindful of: the decision N° 00000157/CAP/MINMAP/ of 15th March 2019 bearing on the appointment of Presidents of the Jakiri council Internal Tenders board.
Considering the invitation to tender N° 005/ONIT/JCITB/Jakiri/2020 of 30/05/2020 for the Construction of Construction of 2 Classrooms at GS Mbokam, Jakiri,
Article 1: That the jobbing order for the Construction of 2 Classrooms at GS Mbokam, funded by BIP with the following the Invitation to Tender mentioned above has been awarded to Ets WATCCOM LTD , for the sum of Eighteen million Nine hundred and Ninety eight thousand. Eight hundred and Eleven franc (18,998.811) franc CFA Tax inclusive within the period of Four (04) months.
Article 2: This Decision shall be registered and published whenever need be

JAKIRI Le 07-07-2020