The Mayor of the GUIDER Councii, owner, throws a notice of consultation for the equipment in semi-metallic benches tables (250) in the GUIDER CoundI to school
The provision of this contract consists of the the equipment in semi-metallic benches tables (150) in the GUIDER Councii. The technical spécifications ofthe performance are detailed in the spécifications of Clauses Techniques spécial included in this request of quotation file.
The estimated cost of the opération at the end of preliminary studies is to 10 000 000 CFA francs
This quotation request is for any approved company, Cameroonian law, justifying the technical and financial capability to the equipment.
Funding is provided by the Budget MINDDEVEL, fiscal year 2022
The folder can be accessed durlng working hours at the Internal Structure for the Administrative Management of Public Contracts after Publication of the notice of consultation. Contact: 698 664 302
The folder can be removed to the Particuiar ofthe Mayor ofthe GUIDER Councii Secrétariat upon publication of this notice, against payment of an amount of non-refundable of twenty thousand (20 000) CFA francs , payable at the counter of the recipe municipal of GUIDER.
Each bid drafted in french or English in seven (07) copies, including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must be sent to the Internai Structure for the Administrative Management of Public Contracts by 08/06/2022 to 10 a.m o'clock. Folds contalning submissions will be placed In a large anonymous envelope marked:
Quote request N°03/DC/RN/D42/C-GDER/CIPM/SIGAMP/2022 ofthe 17/05/2022 for the equipment in semi-metallic benches tables (250) in the GUIDER Councii TO SCHOOL
"To be opened only during the counting session "
The maximum period provided by the employer for the delivery of equipment, subject of the quotation request is Two (02) months.
Each tenderer must attach to its administrative documents, a bid bond establlshed by a first-class Bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance in the amount of 200 000 FCFA valid for a period of thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of the offers. On pain of dismissal, the other administrative parts required should be imperatively produced originais or copies certified by the issuing service
Each tenderer must attach to its administrative documents, a bid bond establlshed by a first-class Bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance in the amount of 200 000 FCFA valid for a period of thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of the offers. On pain of dismissal, the other administrative parts required should be imperatively produced originais or copies certified by the issuing service. They will be required to date less three (03) months preceding the date of submission of tenders or have been established subséquent to the date of signature of the notice of consultation. Any offer not comply with the requirements of this notice and of the listing application will be declared inadmissible. Including the lack of the bid bond issued by a first-class Bank approved by the Ministry of finance or the failure of parts of the application of rating models, will resuit in the rejection of the offer.
The opening of the bids will be in time to the opening of the administrative and finandal parts that will be place the 08/06/2022 to 11 a.m o'clock time's spécifies in the room of the GUIDER council.
The Commission's internai procurement of the GUIDER council will propose to the contracting authority, to award the contract to the tenderer whose offer will be meets the requirements of the Consultation file and submitting the financial bid assessed the lowest (pre-order) and completing the technical and finandal capacity required resulting from the criteria considered essential or those playoff. The employer reserves the right to cancel the application of listing procédure and reject ail bids at any time before award, without incurring responsibility for any bidders that are affected by the décision, nor obligation to inform them of the reasons for its décision. In this case, bidders are invited to remove their offers within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of cancellation of the market. After this time, the offers will be destroyed.
Bidders will remain engaged by their offers for a period of nineteen (90) days from the date of discount offers.
Further information can be obtained during working hours at the Public Contracter Services.