Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 25-03-2022 à 17:11
Support : Plateforme :
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules  of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files  Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07)copies including the original and six (06)copies marked as such in accordance with the prescriptions of the tender file should be submitted against a receipt at Ako council. Donga Mantung Division not later than 04/04/2022 and 05/04/2022 at 10 a m. local time and should carry the inscription: {2)As concern Point13on the Tender Notice - Opening of bids The opening of the bids in one phase shall be done on 04/03/2022 and 05/04/2022 at 11 a m. m the Conference Hall of Ako council by the competent Tender Board. Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice, who has full knowledge of the file and mandated in that capacity.  
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The opening of the bids in one phase shall be done at 11:00am, on 31/03/2022 in the Conference Hall of the Ako council Chambers in Ako Sub Division by the Ako Council internal Tender Board. Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice, who has full knowledge of the file and mandated in that capacity. Any bid which shall not comply with the requirements of the tender file shall be rejected. Bids shall be opened and assessed in a single (01) phase of two stages where:-

a) Stage I shall involve:

i)   Opening and appraisal of validity, authenticity and completeness

ii)   Opening of envelopes containing technical documents to appraise and evaluate technical proposals

NB: Any bids which shall not obtain 80% score in the technical evaluation shall simply be eliminated.

b) Stage II Opening of financial offers to appraise proposed amount for the project.


Lire plutot

05/04/2022 at 10 a m. local time 

BAMENDA Le 25-03-2022