Within the framework of the exécution of the Public Investment Budget 2022, the Mayor of the GUIDER Council, Project Owner, launches an Open National Call for Tenders in emergency procédure for the exécution of the works of reforestation of 03 hectares of municipal woods in the GUIDER Council.
The général objective pursued concerns the contribution to the effort of MINFOF in terms of renewing the forest resource, aims to the reforestation of 03 hectares of municipal woods in the GUIDER Council.
^ Préparation of the iand for an area of three (03) hectares in the city of GUIDER;
^ Carry out the establishment of a plantation of 1200 plants per canton, at a rate of 400 piants/ha at spacing of 5m x 5m;
^ Make the refill.
The estimated cost of the opération is 20 000 000 (Twenty millions) of Franc CFA
The work is denominated in a single lot
This call for tenders is open to ail companies incorporated under Cameroonian iaw with expertise in the field of buildings and public works.
The works are financed by the Public Investment Budget/MINFOF, Financial year 2022.
The tender file may be consulted during working hours atthe public service of tender, situated in Guider council as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from the Public Service of tender Authority, situated In Guider city as soon as thIs notice is published agalnst payment of a non-refundable sum of thirty five thousand (35 000) CFA francs payable at councll Treasury of Guider.
Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach atthe Internai Structure for the Administrative Management of Public Contracte of Guider not later than 03 june 2022 at 10 a.m o'clock and should carry the Inscription
The maximum exécution period provided by the project owner for the exécution of the works covered by this invitation to tender is ninety (90) days from the date of notification of the service order to start work.
Each bidder must attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond establistied by a first-rate bank or a financial organization approved by the Ministry of Finance, the list of which appears in document 12 of the DAG, in the amount of 2% of the estimated cost including tax, i.e. four hundred thousand (400,000) FCFA valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of the offers.
Under penalty of rejection, the documents of the required administrative file must be produced In originels or in copies certifled as true by the issuing department or an administrative authority (Prefect, Subprefect, etc.), in accordance with the stipulations of the Spécial Ruies of the Call for Tenders.
They must necessarlly date from less than three (03) months preceding the date of submission of tenders or have been established after the date of signature of the Notice of Call for Tenders. Any offer that does not compiy wIth the requirements of this notice and the Call for Tenders Dossier will be declared inadmissible.
The absence of a bld bond Issued by a flrst-rate bank or a financlal organization approved by the Ministry of Finance or non-compllance wIth the models of the documents in the tender file, will lead to the rejection of the bld. offer.
The opening of the blds will be done In one time, namely: the opening of the administrative, technical and financlal offers which will take place on 03 june 2022 at 11 a.m o'clock précisé by the Internai Commission for Procurement placed wlth the Municipality of Guide in the meeting room of the GUIDER Councll. Wllling bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly authorized person.
1 |
Administrative file incomplète after deadilne for compliance |
2 |
False déclaration orfalsified documents |
3 |
Incomplète financial offer/absence of a quantified unit price |
4 |
Failure to obtain 70% of the essential criteria |
5 |
Absence of bid bond |
6 |
Déclaration on honor of not abandoninq at least one contract |
14.4 Essential Criteria
The essential criteria will relate to:
N® |
1 |
Company references |
30 |
2 |
Qualifications and experlence of experts |
45 |
3 |
Organization and methodoloqy for carryinq out the mission |
20 |
4 |
General présentation of offers |
5 |
100 |
The amounts exclucling tax wil! be considered after îhe évaluation of the financiai offer, the contract wiii be avvarded to the tenderer who rneets the administrative and technical conditions required and whose financiai offer is evaluated with the lowest price.
Tenderers remain committed lo their offer for ninety (90) days froni the deadiine set for the submission of tenders.
Additional information can be obtained during working hours at the Guider Municipal Procurement Service located in the GUIDER Council.
Phone: 698 66 43 02
NB. For any act of corruption, please call or send an SMS to MINMAP at the followlng numbers: 6/3 205 /25 / 699 370 748