1 | Remises des offres |
Au lieu de ... Each bid drafted in English or French in five (5) copies including the original and four (04) copies marked as such, should reach Bamenda City Council, Department of Technical Services, Tel: 677 14 41 31/677 00 32 58, not later than 05/05/2022 at 12.00 noon and should carry the inscription:
«OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°003/ONIT/BCCITB/22 of 12/04/2022for the selection of a consultant (firm) to control and supervise the works ofthe construction of some sheds in the open space above Nkwen Market in two lots under Emergency procedure. «TO BE OPENED ONLY DURING THE TENDER OPENING SESSION» |
Lire plutot 12th May, 2022 |
2 | Ouverture des Plis |
Au lieu de ... The bids shall be opened in two phases. The opening of the administrative file and the technical bid shall first take place followed by the opening of the financial bids of bidders who obtained the required minimum technical score. The opening of administrative documents and the technical bids shall be done by the Bamenda City Council Internal Tenders Board on the 05/05/2022 at 1.00 pm local time in the Conference hall of City Council. Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person. The opening of the financial bids shall take place at the end of the technical analysis and shall only concern bidders who obtained the minimum required score of eighty percent (80%). |
Lire plutot 12th May,2022 |