The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea hereby launches a national call for manifestation of interest for qualified mufti-disciplinary consultancy firms or consortia of Architects and Engineers with proven expertise in this domain and desire to participate in the pre-qualification to supervise the construction of a Technology Block for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and College of Technology of the University of Buea, (Phase 2).
The call for Manifestation of Interest is intended to pre-qualify multidisciplinary consultancy firms or consortia of architects and engineers prior to participation in a restricted invitation to tender. The selected consortia shall be expeeed to oversee the continuation of the construction of the building from where phase 1 ended. This will involve mostly finishes and external works.
Participation in the Manifestation of Interest for pre-qualification of consultants is open to all consulting firms or consortia of registered architects and engineers based in Cameroon, with proof of Technical and Financial capacity to follow through the envisaged project.
Volume 1 shah comprise the following administrative documents;
a) A signed declaration of manifestation of interest by the consultants including name of consultancy, address of Head Office and principal signatories;
b) Current Business license (Patente)
c)Current tax payers' card 4.2 Volume 2 - Technical Documents: Volume 2 shall comprise the following technical documents:
a) The organization of the firm or consortium
b) The list of managing personnel which shall include:
Head of mission: Civil Engineer with not less than 7 years of professional experience on similar projects.(Similar in scale and complexity)
Project Architect/ Engineer
This list shah be accompanied by:
- Dated and signed Curriculum Vitae of each person - A COpy of diploma(s) of personnel
c) The list of other qualified permanent personnel (Support staff)
The consultancy or consortium shall furnish a list of qualified permanent personnel (secretary, accountant, technicians, etc).
This list shall be accompanied by:
Dated and signed Curriculum Vitae of each person A copy of diploma(s) of personnel
d) References of the consultant in similar studies or supervision works. (Minimum 3). References presented by the consultant shah be validated based on signed affidavits by the beneficiaries of the service. i.e. first, second and last pages of signed contracts and signed reception reports.
e) Technical capabilities and Logistics
The consultant or consortium shah present the technical capabilities and logistics to be put in place, notably:
- The list of office material ( computers........... .etc) ;
- Logistics (vehicle, telephone,............... etc) to be put at the disposai of the personnel;
The documents comprising volumes 1 and 2, drafted in English or French, in four (04) copies (one original and three copies) respectively distinguished as such, shah be closed, sealed and submitted latest on 12/02/2018 at 10.00 a.m. prompt, local lime at the following address: The Development Office, Room 211, Central Administration Building, University of Buea, and shah be marked:
"NATIONAL CALL FOR MANIFESTATION OF INTEREST N°.001/DPPI /UB/17 of 12/01/2018 For the Pre-Qualification of Consultants to Oversee the Construction of a Technology Block for the Faculty of Engineering and College of Technology of the University of Buea, (Phase 2)"
"To be opened only during the Document Opening Session."
The documents comprising volumes 1 and 2, drafted in English or French, in four (04) copies (one original and three copies) respectively distinguished as such, shah be closed, sealed and submitted latest on 12/02/2018 at 10.00 a.m. prompt, local lime at the following address: The Development Office, Room 211, Central Administration Building, University of Buea, and shah be marked:
a) Eliminatory Criteria
- Incomplete/Non-conformity of any Administrative document(s);
- False statement, substitution or falsification of documents;
- Technical score of less than 70%
b Essential Criteria
I . Presentation |
05 points |
15 points |
15 points |
05 points |
20 points |
60 points |
Following this evaluation, only candidates that have obtained a mark equal to or higher than 70%, shall be pre-qualified for the national restricted call for tenders.
Complementary technical information sought in writing may be obtained during working hours from the Development Office, Room 211, of the Central Administration Building at the University of Buea.