he Mayor of Foumban Councii hereb\ launches a consultation for ihe supply of teachîng and school matcrials or minimum package in Foumban councii.
he estimated cost is thirty five millions sevcn hundred eighty six thousand four hundred fifty (25 786 450) cf Francs CFA:
Participation in îhis Im itation to lender shall be oj->en lo Cameroonian-based enteiprises uhh expcricnce in the domain
Work subjeci lo this inviialion to tcnder shall be llnanced by the Budget 2022
The tender file ma\ be consulied during working hours al the Technicais'oftice of Foumban Councii. upon publication oflhis invitation lo tender.
The tender file ma\' be obtained from the secrétariat of the Technicals'offlceof Foumban Councii. follouing publication of this invitation to tender upon submission of a treasuiy receipt attesting to the payment of a non- refundable sum of f51 575) FCFA (fifty onc thousand four hundred scvent}' five) FCFA îo the Councii Revenue.
Each bid dralîed in English or in French in Seven (7) copies including one (1) original and six (6) copies shall be submitted lo from ihe secrétariat of ihe Tcchnicals'officeof Foumban Councii. upon publication of this invitation to lender nol laler than _at 12 am. Local time deposited against a receipt and shali be
The deadlinc of e.vecution set by the Coniracting Aiiihoritv shall be thirty (30) days.
Each bidder shall include in his/hcr administrative file, a provisional guarantee issued by a well-esiablished bank. approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and whose list featiires in Document ofthe Consultation File wiih avalidiî) period of 30 days bc\ond l!ie original date of valldity of bids to the tune of FCFA 515 729 (four hundred fiftccn thousand scvcn hundred t>vcnty nine).
An\ other required administrative documents tniiNt be pr autlientic b> ihc issuing autlioriiv within the la-^t three months or in course of validitv. according to ihc listing prov ided for in the spécial régulations of the lender. othervv ise thcv shall not be acccpted.
Anv bid not in compliance with the specincaîion> of this îendcr notice and file shall be rejected. NotabK. the absence of ihe provisional guarantee issued b\ a weli-esiablishcd bank approved bv the Ministrv in charge of Finance or ils non-compliance with the niodcl documents of the tender 111e shall lead to ouirighl rejcciion of ihe bid
Bids shall be opencd in onc phase. The administrative, technical and financial bids shall be opened on pm local timc by ihe Noun Divisional Tender's Board located at the Foumban Counciltid the pfesence of the hiddcrs or iheir duK authorized représentatives havine fui! know ledue of the flic.
The coniraci shall be atiributed to the lovvest bidder and whose bid compiles with the technical spécifications.
Bidders shall be bound bv' ihcir bids for a period ofsi.xiy (60) davs with effect froin the date of opening of bids.
urihcr informai ion mav bc oblained during working hours from the Technicals'ofïlce of Foumban Council. upon publication of this invitation to lender Tel; 697 97 18 25.