Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 01-06-2022 à 11:03
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ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N°. 02/2022 Bearing on the postponement of the opening date of the tender fileN° 006/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2022 OF 20/04/2022 FOR THE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION OF SANG QUARTER OF NAKA VILLAGE, BALI SUBDIVISION, MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH-WEST REGION.The state of Cameroon is represented by the mayor of the Bali Council named the "Administration Hereby Decides as Follows; Article 1. This present additional clause has as an objective the postponement of the opening date of the aforementioned project and Annulation Of Elimination Criteria No 1 in conformity with articles 19(3), 89, and 92(9) of the public contract's code/-. Instead of The bid shall be opened on 19/05/2022 for tender N° 006/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2022 OF 20/04/2022 Reads The bids shall be opened on 21 /06/2022Article 2. That all the bidders in possession of their tender files should report at the secretariat of the mayor for further instructions upon publication of this note/-.Article 3. that the opening time remains unchanged as in the tender file while the submission date of the bids has been extended to on or before 21 /06/2022 at 10:00 am/-. Article 4. That this additional clause issued to serve the intended purpose
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shall be opened in a single phase. The opening of the administrative documents, the Technical and Financial offers will take place on the 19/05/2022 at 11:00 am local time, in the conference hall of the Bali Council, by its competent Members. Only bidders may attend or be represented by duly mandated persons of their choice and having a good knowledge of their files.

Lire plutot

On or before 21 /06/2022 at 10:00 am/-.

BAMENDA Le 18-05-2022