The General Manager of the Yagoua Rice Growing Expansion and Modernization Company (SEMRY) hereby, launches an Opened National Invitation to Tenders for the suppiy of a loader (on tires) to SEMRY.
The operations for which this invitation to tender is launched comprises.
The purchase. transport, delivery on site and the starting of the loader,
The recycling of staff to the good use ofthe attachments,
Supply, for each attachment, of the instruction manuals in French or Engtish.
Supply. for each attachment, of a catalogue of spare parts in French or English.
This operation is financed by the budget of the Yagoua Rice Growing Expansion and Modernization Company (SEMRY), exercise 2016. The amount of the opération is CFA F 140 000 000
The participation to this invitation to tender is open to all legally recognized enterprises located throughout the national territory of Cameroon. speciaiized in such supplies.
This operation is financed by the budget of the Yagoua Rice Growing Expansion and Modernization Company (SEMRY), exercise 2016. The amount of the opération is CFA F 140 000 000
The file may be consulted during working hours at the secretary of the head office of SEMRY at Yagoua, PO BOX 46. Tel: 675 74 87 68 / 699 41 47 06, Fax 222 29 62 85, as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from the secretary of the head office of SEMRY as soon as this notice is published, against presentation of a receipl of paymenl of non refundable sum of one hundred and twenty thousands (120 000) CFA francs as purchase fee for the file, into the CAS-ARMP special account N°335988 opened to all regional branches of BICEC.
Each offer drafted in French or English, in seven (07) copies including the original and six (06) duplicatas marked as such, should reach the secretary of the head office of of SEMRY at Yagoua, not later than the 2b August 2016 at 12 oclock. local time, and should carry the mentions:
"Opened National Invitationto Tenders
N°022/ONIT/SEMRY/ITB/2016 of the 22th August 2016 for the supply of a loader (on tyres)
to the Yagoua Rice Growing Expansion and Modernization Company (SEMRY)
Funding: PIB-SEMRY, exercise 2016
"To be opened only during the bids opening session."
The maximum delivery deadline provided for by the Contracting Authority is five (05) rnonths.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank or financial structure approved by the minister in charge of finances in Cameroon, featuring on the list In document 12 ot the tender file, of an amount of two millions and four hundred thousand (2 400 000) CFA francs, and valid for uniess thirty (30) days beyond the validity of the offers
Under pain of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing services or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional officers...) of the administrative documents required, including the bid bond, must imperatively be produced in accordance with the special conditions of the invitation to tender. They must obligatorily not be older than three rnonths or must not be produced after the signing of the tender file.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the minister in charge of finances in Cameroon or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer without any appeal being entertained.
The opening of the administrative documents and the technical and financial offers shall be done in single phase, on the 28th August 2016 at 1 o'clock, local time, by the SEMRY Internai Tender Board. m the conférence hall of the head office of SEMRY at Yagoua.
Only bidders can attend this opening session or otherwise be duly represented by a person of their choice,
Absence of the justification documents of the disposition of a spare-parts store and/or a repair workshop withskillful personnel in Cameroon,
Absence of an administrative required document :
Non-conformity of the technical spécifications of the supplies ;
Absence of catalog of proposed supplies:
Absence of an unit price ;
Non-validation of more than two essential criteria (an essential criteria is validated when the bidder obtain uniess 50% of the sub-criteria) :
False declarations;
False documents ;
Absence of the bid bond issued by a first rate-bank or financial structure approved by the minister in charge of finances in Cameroon.
Main qualification criteria
Presentation of the offers ;
Turnoverofthe candidate ;
Access to credit or availability of Personal financial resources ;
Candidate's references relating to the supplies ;
Availability of matériels and essentiel equipment ;
Human resources ;
Technical spécifications of the supplies ;
Manufacturer's guarantee ;
Conditions and planning of delivery ;
After sales service.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for nlnety (90) days from thie deadllne set for the submission of tenders.
Complementary technical information may be obtained durng working hours from the secretary of the head office of SEMRY at Yagoua. PO BOX 46 Tel- 675 74 87 68 / 699 41 47 06. Fax : 222 29 62 85.