Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 07-02-2018 à 21:25
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the Framework of executing the 2017 Public investment Budget for the state of Cameroon, the Regional Delegate of Public Contracts for North-West Region (Contracting Authority), hereby representing the State of Cameroon, re-launches by emergency procedure an Open National Invitation to tender for the construction of a bridge of 12m over river Benumbialich in Widikum Sub-Division, North-West Region.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)


The works subject of this invitation to tender shall require the construction of a bridge of 12m over river Benumbialieh in Widikum Sub-Division, North-West Region. The works and service required are found in the detail descriptions mentioned in the respective bills of quantities and cost estimates.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)


The estimated cost of the operations (tasks) following feasibility studies stands at 75,000,000 FCFATTC

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The works subject of this invitation to tender shall be in one lot defined with specifications as in the table below:

Lot Works Locality
1 construction of a bridge of 12m over river Benumbialich in Widikum Sub-Division, North-West Region. WIDIKUM SUB-DIVISION, NORTH-WEST REGION
5.Participation et origine New(Additif)


Participation in this invitation to tender is open to all registered and qualified companies or groups of companies based in the Republic of Cameroon with the required technical and professional expertise in the domain of construction accompanied by the necessary financial capability.

6.Financement New(Additif)

Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed "depot MINEPAT projet zone frontaliere retrocedée" account N° 9470907 110000 2209 in the treasury of Cameroon as specified in the table below:

Lot Ministry Project Owner Works Provisional Amount Imputation
1 MINEPAT MINEPAT Construction of a bridge of 12m over river
Benumbialieh in Widikum Sub-Division, North
west Region.
75 000 000 FCFA "depot MINEPAT
projet zone frontaliere
retrocedée" in the
Treasury account N°
94 709 07 110000
7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)


The Tender documents may be consulted immediately after publication of this invitation to tender from the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West, at the Regional Delegate's private secretariat, door 101 tel: 233 36 18 87.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)


The tender file may be acquired from the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West, at the Regional Delegate's private secretariat, door 101 tel: 233 36 18 87, upon presentation ofa non-refundable treasury receipt (payable at the Regional Treasury Bamenda) of EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND (83 000fcfa).Such a receipt shall identify thepayeras representing the company thatwants to participate in the tender.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)


Each bid written in English or French shall be signed by the bidder or by a duly authorized Representative and presented in Seven(07) copies that is one(01) original and six(06) copies labelled as such. These shall be submitted in one sealed external envelope containing three(3) envelopes, that is, Envelope A: Administrative Documents, Envelope B: Technical documents and Envelope C:Financial documents, it shall reach the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for North-West not later than at local time. The sealed external envelope shall be free of all identification marks, failing which it shall be rejected.
The sealed external envelope addressed to the Contracting Authority shall bear the following inscriptions:


N° 49/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/NWRTB/2017 OF 05/02/2018

(To Be opened only during the bids opening session of the Tenders Board)

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)


The maximum execution deadline provided for by the Project Owner for the execution of the works subject of this tender shall be FOUR (04) months with effect from date of notification of the Service Order to start execution.

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)


Each bidder shall enclose in his administrative documents a bid bond issued directly in the bidder's name by a firs rate bank approved by the Ministry inc harge of Finance and that shall respect the model in this tender file featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file and valid forninety(90) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.

Lot Works Locality Estimated Cost Bid Bond Tender Fee
1 Construction of a bridge of 12m over river Benumbialieh in Widikum Sub-Division, North-West Region. Benumbialieh
in Widikum
1 500 000
83 000
12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Under risk of being rejected, administrative documents must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing services of the required administrative documents (Examples:Taxation Officials, Bank Officials, etc.) or by Administrative Authorities as the case maybe (Example: SDO, DO etc)andmust imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Tender Regulations. They must obligatorily not be older than three(03) months or must not be produced after the submission of the tender file. Double certification shall not be accepted. Any bid that shall not be in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared null and void, especially bids containing a bid bond not issued directly in the bidder's name by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
The bid bond which shall only be released by the Contracting Authority shall be released forun successful bidders not later than thirty (30) days after the period of bid validity. For the successful bidder to whom the contract will be awarded, the bid bond shall be returned to the contractor by the Contracting Authority once the final bond has been provided. Bidders shall remain committed to their offers for a period of ninety(90) days from the last date for the submission of tenders, that is, the tenders shall be valid for 90(ninety) days with effect from their submission deadline.
NB:The contractor shall, present the originals of the respective certified documents for strict verification of their authenticity during site installation.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

Bids shall be opened by the Regional Tenders Board for North-West in a single phase on the 26/02/2018 at 1:00P.m. local time in the hall at the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts, North-West. Only bidders or their authorized representatives having a perfect knowledge of the file may attend the bid opening session. Note should be taken that in case of any ambiguities or differences during opening, only the original shall be considered authentic, that is, any bid which shall not comply with the requirements of the tender file shall be rejected.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The evaluation of bids shall be carried out in three stages:
> 1st Stage: verification of the conformity of each administrative document;
> 2nd Stage : Evaluation technical bids ;
> 3rd Stage: Analyses of Financial bids.
The criteria of evaluation shall be as follows:

A) Eliminntory Criteria.
- Absence of a document in the administrative file;
- Deadline of execution more than the prescribed;
- False declaration or falsified documents;
- Absence or insufficient bid bond;
- Omission of a quantified task on the bill of quantities and cost estimates
- The presentation of a personnel without a certified copy of the national identity card
- Technical score not less than 75%
NB: Bid bond for a group of enterprises must bear the name of mandated enterprise with the names of the other enterprises mentioned as well.

B) Essential Criteria

They are primordial or key modalities in the judgment of the technical and financial capacity of candidates to execute the tasks forming the subject of the invitation to tender.
They were determined in relation to the nature and content of the tasks to be executed. The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicatively be on the ollowing:
- General presentation of the tender files;
- References of the company in similar achievements;
- Quality of the personnel per lot requested;
- Attestation and report of site visit;
- Technical organization of the works.
- Equipment's put aside for this project,
- Special Technical Clauses initialed in al lthe pages and signed, stamped and dated on the last page;
- Special Administrative Clauses completed and initialed in all the pages and signed, stamped and
dated on the las tpage;
- Safety measures on the site.
- Pre-fmancial capability
-Any Bid that shall not obtain 75% evaluation in the technical documents shall simply be rejected.
-Details of these main qualification criteria are specified in the evaluation grid found in the Special Tender Regulations (RPAO).
(ii) Financial Offer, it shall consist of going through the bill of quantities in reference to the unit price schedule and the subdetail of unit prices.

15.Attribution New(Additif)


The CONTRACT shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conformity to the dispositions of the tender file and on the basis of the lowest bid and technical quality, confer article 33 of the Public
Contracts Code.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)


Bidders shall remain committed to their offers for ninety(90) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders (offers).

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional information may be obtained during working hours from the Regional Delegate'sprivate secretariat, door 101 tel: 233 36 18 87 at the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for North-West.

The Contracting Authority may at any time, amend this invitation to tender. He shall publish the amendments and communicate same to companies that bought the tenders file. Delays caused by such amendments shall also be considered in the period given to bidders to submit their bids.

BAMENDA Le 05-02-2018