The Managing Director of the MAETUR hereby launches an open national invitation to tender for the execution of demarcation works on the plots of the "NYLON — ZONE OYACK 3" allotment in DOUALA (Op 788).
The Director of the MAETUR, PROJECT OWNER, shall assign to the successful CONTRACTOR, the task pertaining to the execution of works whose operations include, but are not limited to:
Installation of the working site; drawing of main and secondary traversing; prierai drawing of the plot; supply, emplacement and survey of boundaries, drawing of the perimetral demarcation; drawing of the plot (land registry index); report of the plot demarcation works; and other related works.
Based on preliminary studies, the estimated cost of the operation stands at FORTY-FOUR. MILLIONS FRANCS CFA (F CFA 44,000,000)
Participation. in this invitation to tender is open to Land Surveying Companies accredited by the Order of Land Surveyors of Cameroon (OGEC).
MAETUR budget - 2016 Financial Year
The Tender File may be obtained at the secretariat of the MAETUR Public Tenders Board located on the 2nd floor of the Head Office Building, door No.401, upon presentation of a receipt showing payment of a nonrefundable sum of FIFTY THOUSAND Francs CFA (F CFA 50,000) to the CAS-ARMP Special Account No. 335 988, registered with BICEC.
Each bid, drafted in French or English, in seven (7) copies, including one original and six (6) copies labelled as such, and drafted in accordance with the requirements of the Tender File, shall be submitted against a receipt, to the secretariat of the Internai Public Tenders Board not later than 5/7/2016 at 1 Pm, local time. The bids shall be labelled as follows:
"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"
THREE (3) months
Bidders shah include in their offer, a bid bond of EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND FRANCS CFA (F CFA 850,000).
Subject to rejection, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer or Divisional Office') must be produced in accordance with the Special Regulations of the Invitation to Tender.
The opening of bids shall be conducted in one session.
The opening of administrative, technical and financial offers shah bold on 5/7/2016 at 2 pm, local time, in the MAETUR conference room situated in Yaounde, P.O Box 1248, Hippodrome, 716 Avenue Winston Churchill (rue 1.701). Only bidders or their duly authorised representatives shall attend. the bid-opening session.
The opening of bids shall be conducted in one session.
The opening of administrative, technical and financial offers shah bold on 5/7/2016 at 2 pm, local time, in the MAETUR conference room situated in Yaounde, P.O Box 1248, Hippodrome, 716 Avenue Winston Churchill (rue 1.701). Only bidders or their duly authorised representatives shall attend. the bid-opening session. 12 — Evaluation of Bids: Submitted bids shah be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:
12.1Eliminatory Criteria
Absence of an administrative document; false declaration or submission of falsified documents; incomplete Technical or Financial File; failure to comply with the required Works Supervisor's profile (SURVEYING engineer + certificate of registration with the Order of Land Surveyors of Cameroon+ Certified Copy of the CNI); omission of the quantified per-unit price on the slip; absence of the Sub-Detail of Prices; - evaluation mark below 80%; cumulative amount of references for the execution of demarcation works on the plots during the last three years less than Hundred Million; company served with at least two formai notices during the last two years fdr works ordered or monitored by the MAETUR; Company with less than two acceptante certificates for the execution of demarcation works on the plots; Company which has never completed the execution of demarcation works on the plots contract for an amount of at least F CFA 40,000,000.
12.2 - Main Qualification Criteria:
The technical evaluation shall be conducted on a mark of 45 positive answers (YES) comprising:
Personnel (14 YES) - equipment (5 YES) - bidder's references on similar works (8 YES) - organisation, methodology and plan of work (7 YES) - financial capacity (4 YES) - other documents and presentation of the File (7 YES).
The Contract shall be awarded to the the BIDDER who proposes the lowest fmancial offer and whose file complies with the technical and financial requirements.
Bidders shall remain committed to their offers for a period of NINETY (90) days from the deadline for the submission of offers.
Additional information may be obtained from the secretariat of the MAETUR Internai Public Tenders Board situated in Yaounde, P.O Box 1248, Hippodrome, 716 Avenue Winston Churchill (rue 1071); Tel.: 222 22-3113 / 222 22-21-02 ; Fax : 222 23-31-90. Email :