Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 06-10-2022 à 09:57
Support : Plateforme :
PUBLIC NOTICE   Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N°014/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the construction of markets in the City of Bamenda in two lots; Open National Invitation to Tender N°013/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the rehabilitation of Ntarikon market; Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2000 for the construction foot path up-station downtown in Bamenda.   The City Mayor on behalf of the Bamenda City Council launched the above-mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files that the deadline for the submission of bids initially scheduled for 21st September 2022 and extended to 05th October 2022 has further been extended to the Friday 7th October 2022. This extension of the deadline is due to some administrative and security constraints.
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The administrative, technical and financial bids shall be opened in a single phase.

The opening of the administrative documents and the technical and financial offers shall take place on the 21/09/2022  at 1:00 pm precisely by the Bamenda City Council Internal Tenders Board at the Bamenda City Council conference hall.

Bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.

Lire plutot

Friday 7th October 2022.

BAMENDA Le 04-10-2022