Within the framework of the 2016 budget. the Government Delegate to the Limbe City Council invites interested contractors to tender for The REHABILITATION OF A STOREY BLOCK OF CLASSROOMS AT GOVERNMENT SCHOOL DOWN BEACH IN LIMBE MUNICIPALITY
Tender files can be consulted during opening hours at the secretariat of the Government Delegate Limbe City council, Tel: 233-33-25-36 1st floor Limbe City Council main office Bota road from the date of publicatioh of the tender notice.
The estimated cost of the project is twenty five million franc CFA (25,000.000 fr Cfa )
The tender is open to duly Iegalized Cameroonian enterprises that fulfil the requirements of invitation to tender.
The works shall be financed by the autonomous budget of the Limbe City Council 2016, HEAD 220-140
Tender files can be consulted during opening hours at the secretariat of the Government Delegate Limbe City council, Tel: 233-33-25-36 1st floor Limbe City Council main office Bota road from the date of publicatioh of the tender notice.
Tender files can be consulted and/or obtained from the address below:
Upon payment of a non-refundable sum of: thirty five thousand franc CFA (35 000) frs cfa While withdrawing the files, each bidder shall be bound to leave behind his complete address,
The bids written in English or French in seven copies [one original and six copies labeled as such] shall be submitted at the private secretariat and a receipt issued not later than the 14/09/2016 at 11 am local time and shall bear the inscription:
The execution deadline for the various works is two (02) months.
Each bidder should attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and featuring on the list of documents of the tender file. the bid bond is five hundred thousand franc cfa ( 500.000 fr CFA ) Ali the bid bonds should be valid 120days after the tender submission deadline.
The other required administrative documents must be originals or certified true copies signed by the issuing service in accordance with the specifications of the special tender rules and regulations, failing which shall be rejected.
Such document must be less than three (03) months old prior to the date of submission of bids and must have been issued after the date of signature of the invitation to tender. Any bid that does not respect the prescription of this tender notice shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first order bank approved by the ministry of Finance or the non respect of the tender file documents shall lead to a simple rejection of the offer without any appeal entertained.
The bids written in English or French in seven copies [one original and six copies labeled as such] shall be submitted at the private secretariat and a receipt issued not later than the 14/09/2016 at 11 am local time and shall bear the inscription:
"To be opened only at the bid opening session"
Bids shall be open in single phase at the Conference Hall of the Limbe City Council on the 14/09/2016 as from 12 noon local time. by the tenders' board in the presence of all bidders who so wish, or their duly mandated representatives with a sound knowledge of their offers.
Eliminatory criteria are as follows:
- Incomplete administrative bid.
- falsified administrative documents
- False declaration
- Non respect of model documents appended to the tender file
- Bids submitted after deadline.
- Technical score less than 80/100
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicatively be on the following:
General presentation Yes/No
Contractor's references for the past three years Yes/No
Experience of supervisory staff Yes/No
Availability of material and essential equipment Yes/No
Self-financing capacity Yes/No
The contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder who satisfiks the Administrative and Technical dispositions
Bidders will remain committed to their bids for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the deadline set for submission of bids
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from Limbe City Council Technical services at Mile Two.