The Mayor of Darak Council (ContractingAuthority) herebylaunches in an emergency procedure,
an Open National Invitation to Tender for the construction of the solarfield in DARAK in Darak
Council, Logone and Chari Division, Far-North Region.
The nature ofworkincludes :
Feasabilitystudies and site installation
Fourniture and installation of solar panelsNE240UI-36V
Fourniture and installation ofchargeregulators 48 VPMM
Fourniture and installation ofbatteries 2V 900 Ah
Fourniture and installation ofinverse/ converter DC/AC solaire 50KW sun-kan
Manifacture and supplyof pole supports
Manifacture and supplyof batterycompartments
Fourniture and installation ofelectricspecialflexible 4.5 mm x 3
Supply and installation ofsecurityfenceof panels
Small scondarymaterialswithoutcaliber
Complet earthrod
Full collarstake
Complet safety box
Fixing screwstake
Flat chutes
Domino hair clips
Protection shelth
Green yellowcable
Installation of the lightening protection system
estimated cost of fifty million (50 0000 00) francs CFA IAT
Participation in this tender is open on equaltermswithcompaniesunderCameroonianlaw> justifying
the technicalcapacities and financialresources to carry out the woïkcovered by this tender.
Supplies which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the PIB for 2025 financial year.
The File may be consulted during workinghours at the Darak Darak Council.
The file may be obtained from the Darak Council (Mayor's Secretariat) as soon as this notice
is published against payment in the Darak Municipal ReceiF't of a non-refundablesum of one
huundred thousand (100 000) F CFA
Each offer drafïed in English or in French in seven (07) copies including the original and the five copies
marked as such, shouId be deposit against a receiptduly signed in secretary of Secretariat of the Darak
Council not later , 28/02/2025 at 1 p.m o’clock (local time) and should carry the inscription :
N° 14/ONIT/DARAK-CÆTB/2025 OF 31/01/2025
The delivery deadline provided by the Contracting Authority three months from the notification
date of service order to beginning work.
Under pain of been rejected, onlyoriginals or true copies certifîed by issuing service or
administrative documents authorities of the administrative document required, including the big bon
must imperativelybeproduced in accordance with the special conditions of the invitation to tender. The
mostobligatorily not beolderthanthree (03) months or must not beproducedafter the signing of the tender file
Eachbidder must include in his administrative documents a bid bon issued by a first rate-bankapproved
by the ministry of finance featuring on the list in document 9 of the tender file of amount of one million
(1 000 000 CFA) francs CFA
Anyoffer not in conformitywith the prescriptions of this notice and' tender file shallbedeclared
inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bankapproved by the ministry of
Finance or the non-respect of the models of tender file documents shall lead to a pure and simple
rejection of the offerwithoutanyappealbeingentertained.
The bidsshallbeopened in single and will be 28/02/2025 at 2 p.m local time by the
Darak InternaI Tender’s Board in the meeting room of the Darak Council.
Only biddermay attend or bedulyrepresented by a person of their choice you have a perfect knowledge of
12.1.Main eliminatory criteria
They are:
-Incomplete administrative and finacial offer;
-Offers iron-compliance to the invitation tender;
-False declaration or counterfelt documents;
-Financial offer less than of the 85% of the estimated cost of the project
-Non compliance withe major technical specifications : module power, lamp power1 luminousefficiency9
battry capacity, candelabramaterial, concrete mix and size.
-Technical scoorelessthan 75% of YES compared to the essetial subcriteria.
12.2. Main essential criteria:
The criteria for qualification of candidates willinclude:
The Contracting authority will award the contract to the tenderer whose tender has been the lowest and
found to be substantially compliant with the tender douments.
The delivery deadline provided by the Contracting Authority two months from the notification date of
service order to beginningwork.
Complementarytechnica1 information may be obtained during the workinghours at the Darak Council and
at the Logone and Chari DivisionaI Delegation of Water and Energy.