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Publié le 25-11-2022 à 19:40
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NIVERSITY OF DSCHANG (UDs)INTERNAL COMMSSION FOR CONTRACTSAWARD CALL FOR QUOTATIONN° 02/DC/CIM/UDS/2022 of 04 November 2022"For the supply of Médical equipment to the physiotherapy service of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Uuiversity of Dschaiig" by urgent procédure
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The Vice-Chancellor ofthe Universily ofDschang (conlracling Aulhority) hereby launches on behave of this Institution, a call for quotation for the supply of Médical cquipmcnt to the physîotherapy service of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences ofthe Univei-sity of Dschang", by urgent procédure.

2.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this call is open under the same conditions to moral or physical individuals having capacîty to provide the médical equîpment concerned.

3.Financement New(Additif)

The supply ofthe laboratory equipment concerned by thîs call, is funded by Ihe Aulonomous budget of the University of Dschang (Management Budget) for the 2022 fmancial year

4.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The call for quotation file can be freely consulted during working hours at the SIGAMP of the ChanccUcry of the University of Dschang (Room 114), Tel: +237675946950, whatsapp : 694985453, P.O. Box 96 Dschang, upon publication of this call by wrilten annoiincement or îhrcugh the billboard in the premises of the University of Dschang 

5.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The call for quotation file can be freely obtained during working hours at the SIGAMP of the ChanccUcry of the University of Dschang (Room 114), Tel: +237675946950, whatsapp : 694985453, P.O. Box 96 Dschang, upon publication of this call by wrilten annoiincement or îhrcugh the billboard in the premises of the University of Dschang upon présentation of a payment rcceipt of a nonreftindable sum of fifty thousand (50.000) CFAF through a BICEC branch, in the account : compte spécial CAS-ARMP N° 335 988 3800Î - 76, being charges for the file.

6.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Bids draficd in French or in English in seven (07) copies: one original and six (06) copies labeled as such, in conformity with the prescriptions of the Cal! tbr Qnotation file, should be submitted to the SIGAMP of the University of Dschang, latest 28 November 2022 at 9 am prompt. 
Sealed files should exclusively bear the following:

"CALL FOR QUOTATION N°:02/DC/CIPM/UDs/2022 of November , 2022 for the supply ofMédical equipment to the physiotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University Dschang.
To be disciosed only during opening session.

7.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The submission deadline shall not be more than one (01) month from the date ofnotification of the service ordcrprescribing the beginnlng ofIhe supply,

8.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bid must be accompanied by a subniission security of six hundred thousand (600 000) CFAF issued by a financial institution approved by the Minister ofFinance.
The validit>' of this security must be one hundred and Iwenty (120) days, from the deadline for submission ofbids.

9.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

To avoid rejectlon, ihe required administrative documents must be produced in original copies or copies cerlified by the assuring service, in conformity with the listing provided by paragraph 3.1 of the régulations govcming the Qnotation file. They must not be more than one(01)month.
Any bid thaï does not conform with the prescriptions of this call for quotation shall be declared unacceptable, notably the absence of a submission security issued by a financial institution approved by the Minister of Finance, the non-respect of sample documents of Ihe quotation file, a false déclaration, a falsified document. Such a file will be rejected without any possibility ofappeal,
NB. Certified chèques are not accepted in the place of thc submission security,

10.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The opening of bids shail bc done on November 28, 20200 from 10 am prompt, in the Conférence Hall of the Chancellery of the Universily of Dschang, in thc prcsence of bidders who so wish or their duly mandated représentatives who have a good mastery of thc bid

11.Attribution New(Additif)

The ordcr shall bc attributcd to thc bidder with the mosl lechnically quaiified bîd.

12.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

The submission deadline shall not be more than one (01) month from the date ofnotification of the service ordcrprescribing the beginnlng ofIhe supply

DSCHANG Le 11-11-2022